Tag Archive | book spotlights

West Oversea: A Norse Saga of Mystery, Adventur and Faith – by author Lars Walker

click on the book cover to purchase

Join Lars Walker, author of the Christian Norse adventure novel, West Oversea: A Norse Saga of Mystery, Adventure and Faith (Nordskog Publishing, Inc.), as he virtually tours the blogosphere in October on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book.

About Lars Walker

Lars (pronounced Larce) Walker is a native of Kenyon, Minnesota, and lives in Minneapolis. He has worked as a crabmeat packer in Alaska, a radio announcer, a church secretary and an administrative assistant, and is presently librarian and bookstore manager for the schools of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations in Plymouth, Minnesota. He is the author of four previously published novels, and is the editor of the journal of the Georg Sverdrup Society. Walker says, “I never believed that God gave me whatever gifts I have in order to entertain fellow Christians. I want to confront the world with the claims of Jesus Christ.” His latest release is West Oversea: A Norse Saga of Mystery, Adventure and Faith. Visit Lars online at www.larswalker.com/

 and his blog at www.brandywinebooks.net/


About West Oversea

In this Viking adventure tale, Erling Skjalgsson valiantly relinquishes his power and lands rather than be dishonorable to his evil brother. Supported by a well-drawn cast of characters, Skjalgsson sets sail for uncharted vistas with Greenland as the ultimate destination. The first leg of their voyage takes them to a newly settled Iceland. A dangerous storm blows the adventurers off-course where they encounter new peril with the wild lands and peoples of North America. Meanwhile, Erling’s Irish priest, Father Aillil, on a quest to rescue his enslaved sister, wrestles with a secret dark power that threatens to destroy them all. West Oversea is set against the historical and dramatic Eleventh century backdrop of a Norway in flux as pagan Norwegians are converted to Christianity—sometimes by force.

Here’s what critics are saying about West Oversea!

“…I found West Oversea to be a worthy continuation of the Erling Saga. The book reads so fast that when it’s done, the reader is left both satisfied with the ending and still longing for the story to continue.” –Darwin Garrison, Fort Wayne, IN “West Oversea is a fantastic book and deserves to be one of many in a long series….This broadly researched Viking adventure is written within a beautifully rich framework. It is like an actor who does not break his character, even when everyone else goes off-script.” –Phil Wade, brandywinebooks.net

What’s Wrong With Mormons – Author Interview – B. Jay Gladwell


Paperback Writer invites you to join B. Jay Gladwell, author of the non-fiction/religious book, What’s Wrong With Mormons? (Cold Tree Press, June ’08), as he virtually tours the blogosphere in August on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion.  Jay is her to shine some light on the misinformation that people understand about the Mormon faith. Grab your cup of coffee and enjoy the interview.




About the Book:

What’s Wrong Wrong With Mormons?
was written as a result of the falsehoods and misinformation that continues to be perpetuated by those who are less than honest. The author, B. Jay Gladwell, invites the reader to come and reason together. Using a conversational style, he discusses the basic doctrines of the restored Gospel, based on the teachings found in the Holy Bible and latter-day scriptures.





Hi, Jay. Welcome to Paperback Writer.


Would you share with us how you came up with the idea for your book? 


Last year (2007) a Mormon, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was running for the Republican nomination for president. There were endless articles about that candidate and nearly each one, in one way or another, brought up the concern of “Mormons as Christians.” This concern was most prevalent among evangelical Christians. One such article spoke about a recent survey that showed many of these evangelicals were drawn to this candidate’s values but repelled by his Mormon faith. Can you see the irony in that statement? Isn’t that like saying, “I like apple pie, but I am repulsed by apples”? How can one accept the teachings of Jesus Christ but reject the Savior?


Think about it. How many times have you read or heard how people really admire Mormons for their family values, yet their teachings are abhorrent. Mormons are held in high regard on account of their work ethic, but the Prophet Joseph Smith was a scoundrel. Mormons are respected for their moral points of view on chastity, honesty, abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, yet their doctrines are of the devil. Mormons are appreciated for their humanitarian contributions and the goods and services provided in the wake of natural catastrophes around the world; nevertheless, they aren’t Christians. Have you ever seen a greater contradiction of thought?


It was my hope that those who read What’s Wrong With Mormons? will come away with an accurate understanding as to what it is Mormons truly believe, rather than having non-Mormons go to other non-Mormons in an effort to figure out what is it we believe. The reader will learn the truth about Mormons belief from a practicing Mormon—a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Was it a light bulb moment or something that you thought about for a very long time?


It was, more or less, a combination of the two. Yes, it was a light bulb moment, but I thought about for a month or more before I actually moved forward with the idea.


How did you come up with the title?


The title came about as part of the light bulb moment. The whole thing was set off one day as I read the news article mentioned above. After reading it, I asked myself “What’s wrong with Mormons?” As soon as I had that thought, I knew that would be the title of and driving force behind writing the book.


How did you find an agent and publisher?


There wasn’t an agent involved and the book is self-published.

Who reads you work in progress?


No one! That’s not allowed. Not even my wife. Once I have the first draft finished and to a point to where I’m somewhat satisfied, is she allowed to read it. The agonizing part is waiting to get it back from the editor. I know there are mistakes and things that need clarifying, but I simply hate that period of waiting. It takes every ounce of strength I have not to try to polish it again. That would be pointless. As a result, I’m forced to wait for the editor send back manuscript. I hate it.


Who made a difference in the book’s quality?


Since this book is a non-fiction piece, I would have to give that credit to Constance Angelo. She was responsible for doing the indexing of the book, and she did a remarkable job, in my estimation.


All other things being equal, the lack of an index or a poor index can sink a non-fiction book. The index is an invaluable tool for the reader. It identifies specific information in the book that might be of interest as well as enabling the reader to quickly and conveniently access the desired information at some later time.


How long did it take you to complete the first draft?


The first draft took about five months.


How long did it take from start to publication?


That took right at one year. That’s from the first word on the first page to having the proof copy in my hand.


Do you have any advice for new authors?


No two writers are exactly the same. Each of us has our own method, style and approach to writing. What works for one may not (probably will not) work for another. The biggest obstacle I see in most “wannabe” writers is a lack of discipline. I’m talking about the ability to simply plant their rear-ends in the chairs for X number of hours a day and write their books. Just do it!


Thank you, Jay, for stopping by Paperback Writer on your virtual book tour. I wish you continued success through the rest of you tour.



What’s Wrong With Mormons Virtual Book Tour ’08 officially began on August 4, 2008 and will continues all month. You can visit Jay Gladwell’s tour stops at www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in August to find out more about his and (his/her) book.


As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author  with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comment on our authors blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they come available. The winners will be announced on www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com on August 31!


Please leave your comments along the tour stops and join us on August 31 to see if you are a winner.




B. Jay Gladwell, What’s Wrong With Mormons, Pump Up Your Book Promotion, virtual book tours, virtual blog tour, virtual author tour, book spotlights, book reviews, author interviews,




Life After College – Author Interview – ChaChanna Simpson

As a student you have been told what to do your entire life, first by your parents then your teachers, but what happens after the ink on the college diploma is dry? Our guest non-fiction author today, is ChaChanna Simpson and she is here to shed some light on life after college with her latest book, Life After College: What Your Parents and Professors Never Taught You.



About the Book:

Don’t know what your next step is now that college is over?
You’ve been in college for four years and finally it’s time for you to go out on your own into the real world. Now that you’ve graduated from college or are about to graduate, you are no doubt wondering:

“I’ve graduated from college, now what do I do?”
“How do I adjust to moving back home with my family?”
“Why is it taking so long for me to find a job?”
“How do I focus on what I want to do rather than what my parents want me to do?”
“How do I manage my finances?”
“What’s a 401k?”
“How do I get an apartment?”

And those questions are just the beginning. Life After College: What Your Parents and Professors Never Taught You answers these questions and provides solutions you can immediately use to help make your transition from college life into the real world easier. This informative no nonsense guide covers diverse topics from moving back home to money management to job etiquette to searching for your first apartment. Also included are stories and tips from recent college grads sharing their wisdom and experiences so you know you are not alone in trying to make it in the real world.


Hi ChaChanna

Welcome to Paperback Writer.

Would you share with us how you came up with the idea for your book?

Sure, the book is based off of my website, Twentity.com, which is an Internet magazine for recent college grads on what to expect after college. I really collected articles I had already written, updated them and put them together in print form. I really wanted to reach this audience to prevent those just graduating from making costly mistakes.

Was it a light bulb moment or something that you thought about for a very long time?

It really was. I had always wanted to write a book. But I could never think of a topic. Then one day it came to me that I have these articles on my site already, so why don’t I just take the ones relevant to just graduating from college and work from there.

How did you come up with the title?

That was a long process. I’m not even going to share some potential titles I had. Looking back I don’t know what I was thinking. It was just one day, while I was brainstorming I thought about what this book was really about and it just came to me.

How did you find an agent and publisher?

I don’t have an agent. I used Booklocker.com, a print-on-demand company. The owner of the company also has a newsletter that I receive and that is how I found out about it. I compared the cost of using other P.O.D. companies and selected the one who would give me the best bang for my buck, and let me retain all rights to my work.

Who reads your work in progress?

I have a friend who is an editor and she gets the pleasure of reading my works in progress.

Who made a difference in the book’s quality?
Both my editor and my marketing coach. My editor was good enough to tell me that I had to cut the content down and really pick topics that were relevant. My marketing coach told me to add stories from recent college grads and I know both suggestions made it a much better book.

How long did it take you to complete the first draft?

It took six months to get it all down and in order.

How long did it take from start to publication?

From the time I wrote the first word to when I had the first copy in my hand was about a year and two months.

Do you have any advice for new authors?

Yes, I have had plenty of people tell me that they want to write a book and ask me how do I did it. And to all those would-be authors, I want to say if you want to write a book, just start writing. You don’t have to write the whole book in one day. Commit to writing one sentence, paragraph or page a day. And after awhile you will have a manuscript. Take it one step at a time.

Thank you, ChaChanna for stopping by Paperback Writer on your virtual book tour. I wish you continued success through the rest of you tour.

Thank you for having me, it’s been stellar!


Life After College: What Your Parents and Professors Never Taught You Virtual Book Tour ’08 officially began on August 4, 2008 and will continues all month. You can visit [name] tour stops at http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in August to find out more about (his/her) and (his/her) book.

As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comment on our authors blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they come available. The winners will be announced on http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com on August 31!

Please leave your comments along the tour stops and join us on August 31 to see if you are a winner.

Copper Fire – Author Interview – Suzanne Woods Fisher

Paperback Writer is enjoying a visit from Suzanne Woods Fisher author of the historical fiction novel Copper Fire. Suzanne is sharing with us how she came up with the idea for her book and how she develops her characters.

On a summer day in 1945, Louisa Gordon receives a telegram from the International Red Cross Tracing Service. Her young cousin, Elisabeth, has just been released from Dachau a concentration camp, and Louisa is her only remaining relative. Determined to go to war-torn Germany to retrieve her cousin, Louisa is also on a mission to discover the whereabouts of Friedrich Mueller, a Nazi sympathizer who fled Copper Springs, Arizona. What Louisa never expected was to meet the man she had once loved and now hated.

Hi Suzanne,

Welcome to Paperback Writer

Thanks for hosting me today!

Will you share with us how you came up with the idea for this book?

Copper Fire is the sequel to Copper Star, picking right up at the very end of World War II. On a summer day in 1945, my main character, Louisa, receives a telegram from the International Red Cross Tracing Service. She discovers that her cousin, Elisabeth, has just been released from Dachau. Louisa is determined to go to Germany to get Elisabeth…and that’s where the story begins.

Do you plan your stories first with an outline or does it come to you as write it?

I have a basic idea of how the story will develop, but the beauty of a computer is that you can cut and paste, expand and contract. There is a point when the story takes on a life of its own.

Do you know the end of the story at the beginning?

It’s not always neat and tidy…but I do know that I want to have my characters to find some redemption at the end. So I try to steer them in that direction.

Do you have a process for developing your characters?

I try not to have too many characters; it can get confusing! Also, that way, each character becomes very distinct. They become so real to me that I can hear their voices! (Uh oh…that sounds like I’m on the brink of insanity, doesn’t it?

It is said that authors write themselves into their characters. Is there any part of you in your characters and what they would be?

I wish I were more like my main character in Copper Star, Louisa, the young resistance worker smuggled out of Germany by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. She’s funny, determined, smart… and flawed. And she knows it! She has an ability not to take herself too seriously.

What is your most favorite part about this book?

The character of Elisabeth; she enters the story as a damaged survivor of a concentration camp…but she is a survivor! I love how she is learning to trust again, to open up, to try to become a normal junior high girl…and she just can’t! It’s Louisa (Robert, too) who help her to see how special she is, just as she is.

When in the process of writing your book did you begin to look for a publisher?

Since this was a sequel and the early reviews of Copper Star were so good, and then as it sold well, my editor was very open to a contract. I stayed with the same publishing house for that book, which probably made the entire process easier.

What struggles have you had on the road to being published?
This is an industry in which “no one is looking for you.” Behind every published piece, a writer has a fat file of rejection letters. But, ah, there’s just something about that published piece that makes up for that rejection file!
What has been the best part about being published?
Most favorite part? All of life is material. It’s all grit for the oyster. Least favorite? I still only make a dime an hour. And I still get plenty of rude rejection letters!
What do you want readers to remember and carry with them after reading your novel?

There is always an underlying theme in my stories about the grace of God and how it plays out in our daily lives.

Do you have plans to write another book?
Oh yes! Many!
In late August, Grit from the Oyster: 250 Pearls of Wisdom for Aspiring Writers, will be released from Vintage Spirit. I wrote Grit with three other very talented authors. For the Love of Dogs, a fun novel set in 1969, will release in February 2009. And more exciting news! I am working on three novels for Revell/Baker, as well as a non-fiction book called Amish Peace in an English Life (also with Revell/Baker).

Would you care to share with us how the virtual book tour experience with Pump Up Your Book Promotion has been for you?

 It’s been fantastic! Very well organized, good communication, very helpful. Thank you!

Where can readers find a copy of your book? Amazon, BN.com, or it can ordered from your favorite bookstore, and also at my website: http://www.suzannewoodsfisher.com

Do you have a website for readers to go to?
Find me on-line at Suzanne at http://www.suzannewoodsfisher.com

Thank you, Suzanne, for sharing your book and characters with us today. It has been a pleasure and I hope you have had a successful virtual book tour.

Thank you, for letting me visit!

Copper Fire Virtual Book Tour ’08 officially began on August 4, 2008 and will continues all month. You can visit [name] tour stops at http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in August to find out more about (his/her) and (his/her) book.

As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comment on our authors blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they come available. The winners will be announced on http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com on August 31!

Please leave your comments along the tour stops and join us on August 31 to see if you are a winner.

TAGS: Suzanne Woods Fisher, Copper Fire, historical fiction, Pump Up Your Book Promotion, virtual book tours, virtual blog tour, virtual author tour, book spotlights, book reviews, author interviews,

Read Well Think Well – Author Interview – Hal W. Lanse, Ph.D.

Paperback Writer is pleased to introduce author of the parenting and educational book Hal W. Lanse, Ph.D., Dr. Hal is a premiere teacher trainer in New York City, specializing in middle-grade and young-adult literacy. He is the winner of the 1997 Frank W. Dilley Award, Walden University’s annual prize for outstanding doctoral dissertation.

About the Book:

Millions of children struggle with reading-and even more struggle to understand exactly what they’re reading. Read Well, Think Well will help you to teach your children to build the essential reading and comprehension skills they need to succeed in today’s demanding school system. Teacher trainer and literacy specialist Hal W. Lanse, Ph.D., provides the necessary knowledge, strategies, and exercises that will turn your kids into first-rate readers and thinkers.
Learn how to:
Choose the best, age-appropriate reading material
Boost your child’s memory and retention skills through verbal and visual exercises
Utilize technology aids to help your child understand the comprehension process
Understand the “Big Six” of reading comprehension through analysis and summary of the text
Promote values for everyday life through reading
Read Well, Think Well-the ultimate guide to secure your child’s academic success.

Hi Dr. Hal

Welcome to Paperback Writer.

It’s a pleasure.

Would you share with us how you came up with the idea for your book?

I’m a longtime reading specialist and teacher trainer. I’ve given many
workshops over the years for teachers and parents. Parents have told me time
and again that they appreciate the information I share with them. In the
back of my head, I always thought, “I should turn this into a book,
someday.” Finally, after writing two children’s books I decided it was time
to write my book on reading.

Was it a light bulb moment or something that you thought about for a very
long time?

I’ve been thinking about it for years; but it’s a big leap from writing
informational packets and children’s books to writing a full length
informational book. I wasn’t sure the work would flow as smoothly as writing
fiction—which I do stream-of-consciousness style. Nonfiction has to be
outlined in advance. It turns out that the writing went very well. I was
dying to get this information out on paper and into the hands of parents, so
it all came pouring out.

How did you come up with the title?

I didn’t. I originally called the book The Reading Revolution. It turns out
that a tutoring service in California already owned the name; so the
publisher selected a new title. I love the title, by the way. I love the
cover too. It blew me away when the publisher first emailed it to me.

How did you find an agent and publisher?
The publisher who brought out my children’s books strictly focuses on fantasy
literature. When I was ready to move away from writing children’s fantasies
she hooked me up with my current (and very talented) agent, Irene Goodman.
My children’s books were sold without an agent. It’s the old story: I knew
someone who knew someone. For this book, I needed and agent and Irene did an excellent job.

Who reads you work in progress?

Irene is very hands-on. She read and critiqued my book proposal which
included the first chapter. After that, no one saw it until the editor had
it in her hands. I’m not much into sharing when I’m in the middle of writing
a book. I don’t want anyone’s critique to disrupt the flow of my work.
Irene was a different story because it’s her job to make sure I’m a success.
Her suggestions were always right on the money.

Who made a difference in the book’s quality?

My agent and the editor both had some impact on the book; though given the
brief turnaround time the editing was minimal.

How long did it take you to complete the first draft?

Two months! I still can’t believe I finished it. Thank heavens for summer
vacation. I signed the contract in June and THEN the editor asked for the
final draft on September first. For two months I felt like the protagonist
in The Stranger. My whole world narrowed to one room in my home. I lived at
my desk and dined on nothing but Chinese take-out. A lot of pigs sacrificed
their ribs for this book.

How long did it take from start to publication?

All together, about sixteen months. Irene and I actually spent more time on
the proposal than it took to write the book.

Do you have any advice for new authors?

When it comes to writing informational books, compile your research before
your start peddling your proposal. As a reading specialist, I belong to
several professional organizations that publish peer-reviewed journals. I
also attend lots of professional conferences where I take copious notes.
Without these materials at my fingertips, meeting the editor’s deadline would
have been impossible, summer vacation notwithstanding.

Thank you, Dr. Hal, for stopping by Paperback Writer on your virtual book
tour. I wish you continued success through the rest of you tour.

Thanks. Please let your readers know that they can sign up for my free,
monthly education newsletter at www.readwellthinkwell.com.



Read Well Think Well Virtual Book Tour ’08 officially began on August 4, 2008 and will continues all month. You can visit [name] tour stops at http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in August to find out more about (his/her) and (his/her) book.

As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comment on our authors blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they come available. The winners will be announced on http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com on August 31!

Please leave your comments along the tour stops and join us on August 31 to see if you are a winner.

Pump Up Your Book Promotion, virtual book tours, virtual blog tour, virtual author tour, book spotlights, book reviews, author interviews,

I’m Watching You – Author Interview – Mary Burton


Romantic suspense novelist, Mary Burton stops at Paperback Writer today to share with us how she came up with the idea for her latest book, I’m Watching You.  Mary is on a virtual book with Pump Up Your Book Promotion throughout the month of August. As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author  with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comment on our authors blog stops.


About the Book:

A killer is on the loose. Lindsay O’Neil discovers the first victim in the yard at Sanctuary, the shelter for battered women that she runs in Richmond, Virginia. If that’s not bad enough, the detective who arrives on the scene is recovering alcoholic Zack Kier, her ex-husband. That brings his partner and her long-time friend, Jacob Warwick, into the picture as well.

It could have been a one time reunion, except for some reason Lindsay keeps being thrust into the middle of the investigation. That means Zack is way too involved in her life and he and Jacob are way too interested in her personal business. She also can’t get TV news reporter Kendall Shaw off of her trail, which is a problem because Lindsay has her own secrets—including that she’s providing shelter at her own home for Nicole Piper, a friend on the run from her abusive husband. As the killing continues it becomes shockingly clear that Lindsay is being stalked by an enraged murderer—and that she and those she loves are targets.


Hi Mary Burton,


Welcome to Paperback Writer



Will you share with us how you came up with the idea for this book?


I’m Watching You started with the character Lindsay O’Neil.  She came to me almost fully formed.  I could picture her clearly and new all her strengths and weakness.  Then the challenge was to design a book that would play to her character.


Do you plan your stories first with an outline or does it come to you as you write it? 


It depends on the book.  I’m Watching You came to me in layers.  First, I pictured my heroine Lindsay and then after I had her figured out, the hero Zack Kier started to form in my mind.  I had a good idea where the book would go when I started writing, but there were a lot of great surprises along the way.  No matter how much I plot, sometimes my books just don’t reveal themselves until I start to write.


Do you know the end of the story at the beginning? 


I have a good idea about the ending, but all the stuff between the beginning and the end can be a real mystery. 


Do you have a process for developing your characters? 


I begin with an “emotional hook”—the number one flaw/strength that drives my character.  I believe what can make a character great can also destroy them.  Once I have that figured out the rest usually falls into place.


It is said that authors write themselves into the characters.  Is there any part of you in your characters and what they would be? 


Lindsay O’Neil in I’m Watching You has a thing about being punctual.  That’s me.  Lindsay loves coffee.  Guilty.  Her ponytail is either too tight or she’s searching for a rubber band to pull up her hair which is driving her nuts.  Yep, that’s me too.  But Lindsay has endured some very dark moments that thankfully I never have.  I can only hope to try and understand her darker side and then convey her feelings and emotions to the reader.


What is your most favorite part of this book?


Lindsay, like her late mother, loves to garden.  She misses her mother terribly and is still traumatized by the woman’s death over a dozen years ago.  There is a scene in the book when Homicide Detective Zack Kier, Lindsay’s estranged husband, is investigating a string of murders that might be linked to Lindsay’s past.  Zack and his partner Jacob Warwick travel to the old farmhouse that had been Lindsay’s home when she was growing up.  Zack discovers the greenhouse that had been a favorite spot of Lindsay’s and her mother.  He finds several clay pots in the greenhouse and he collects them knowing that they’d mean a great deal to Lindsay.  This scene is a turning point for Zack.  He finally realizes the traumas Lindsay has endured and why she is so driven.  For the first time he sees the person she really is and despite all her flaws and scares, he still loves her and wants her back in his life.


When in the process of writing your book did you begin to look for a publisher? 


I’d been writing historical westerns and Silhouette Romantic Suspense novels for five or six years.  I’d wanted to write a long suspense novel for a few years and had been kicking around ideas.  When all the pieces of I’m Watching You finally came to me I wrote the synopsis and first few chapters and sent them off to my agent.  She was able to sell it fairly quickly to Kensington. 


What struggles have you had on the road to being published?


LOL.  More than a few.  Back in the day, I wrote three full manuscripts that were rejected outright over a five-year period.  I lost count of the rejection letters.  But I’m stubborn and I kept at it.  My fourth manuscript, A Bride for McCain, sold to Harlequin Historical in 1999 and was released in March 2000. 


What has been the best part of being published?


I make stories up for a living.  What could be better?


What do you want readers to remember and carry with them after reading your novel?


I don’t know if they need to carry away anything.  I just want them to be able to kick back, leave the real world behind for a few hours and enjoy the story.


Do you have plans to write another book?


Always!  Dead Ringer is the sequel to I’m Watching You and it will be released in November 2008.  Also in the Silver Bells anthology with Fern Michaels, JoAnn Ross and Judy Duarte, I have a novella that wraps up the story line for Nicole another character from I’m Watching You.  I’m also writing another suspense novel that will be released in 2009.


Would you care to share with us how the virtual book tour experience with Pump Up Your book Promotion has been for you? 


It’s been great!  I honestly couldn’t have done it without them. 


Where can readers find your book? 


Any major bookstore, independent bookstore or Amazon.


Do you have a website for readers to go to?


I sure do!  www.maryburton.com


Thank you, Mary for sharing your book and characters with us today.  It is been a pleasure and I hope you have had a successful virtual book tour.



Mary Burton is the author of the Zebra Romantic Suspense novels I’M WATCHING YOU and the upcoming DEAD RINGER (November 2008) and Christmas Past in the SILVER BELLS anthology (November 2008).  She has also written twelve historical western romances for Harlequin Historical and four novels for Silhouette Romantic Suspense.  For more information stop by her website at www.maryburton.com.




I’m Watching You Virtual Book Tour ’08 officially began on August 4, 2008 and will continues all month. You can visit [name] tour stops at www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in August to find out more about (his/her) and (his/her) book.


As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author  with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comment on our authors blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they come available. The winners will be announced on www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com on August 31!


Please leave your comments along the tour stops and join us on August 31 to see if you are a winner.




Mary Burton, romantic suspense novel, I’m Watching You, Pump Up Your Book Promotion, virtual book tours, virtual blog tour, virtual author tour, book spotlights, book reviews, author interviews,



Authors and Their Books – Leave A Comment- Be A Winner


Authors and Their Books – Leave A Comment – Be A Winner in August


If you stopped at Paperback Writer today I hope it’s because of your interest in books and the authors who write them. This week we have an exciting array of authors and I hope you’ll bookmark this site and return for all the following author interviews. Leave your comments at the end of each author’s interview and you might find yourself a lucky winner of a $50 Amazon gift certificate at the end of the month.



On Monday we feature David Grant, author of the literary fiction novel, Bleach 1 Blackout. Fans of fluffy romance novels and that all-too-familiar, over-hyped, edge-of-the-seat crap should steer clear. This is life at its most jaded. Bleach 1 Blackout is two novels about drugs, sex, revenge, the corporate crunch, and the inevitable unpleasantness of life and death. If you can’t wait for the interview you can visit his website at www.davidgrant.com













On Tuesday our guest author is Mary Burton, author of the romantic suspense novel, I’M WATCHING YOU. A killer is on the loose. Lindsay O’Neil discovers the first victim in the yard at Sanctuary, the shelter for battered women that she runs in Richmond, Virginia. If that’s not bad enough, the detective who arrives on the scene is recovering alcoholic Zack Kier, her ex-husband. As the killing continues it becomes shockingly clear that Lindsay is being stalked by an enraged murderer and that she and those she loves are targets. If you can’t wait for the interview you can visit her website at www.maryburton.com












On Wednesday our guest author is Tori Kropp, author of the parenting and pregnancy book, THE JOY OF PREGNANCY. In a light hearted and encouraging tone, Tori Kropp helps mothers-and-fathers-to-be concentrate on the miracle of pregnancy and birth rather than on possible complications. If you can’t wait for the interview you can visit her website at www.torikropp.com.

















On Thursday we are going back into the archives for a little taste of summer with The Bikini Season by author Sheila Roberts. Erin Merritt has returned to her scenic hometown of Heart Lake to plan her wedding, but when she repeatedly runs into her childhood crush, she wonders if she’s engaged to the wrong man. To make matters worse, all the stress is making her eat, and now she can’t fit into her wedding dress.Erin enlists the help of her cooking club–Angela, Megan and Kizzy–and the Teeny Bikini Diet Club is born. The women make a pact to get slim enough to wear their bikinis to the lake by summertime, and it changes their lives forever. With a little help from her friends, Angela faces fears that her marriage is crumbling. Megan confronts the self-esteem issues that have always held her back. Kizzy deals with her husband’s efforts to sabotage her diet and keep her overweight. And Erin learns some important truths about love.

Pull up your favorite beach chair and savor this funny, inspiring story about being true to yourself, following your heart and the women who enrich our lives.












On Friday we feature Paul Kiritsis, author of the literary collection, HERMETICA: MYTHS, LEGENDS, POEMS. Hermetica is a Homeric journey into the night where the world of dream and symbols has sculpted our mythological past. Using the language of alchemy, astrology and magic this tome seeks to reconstruct the lost bonds between old myths contained in the oral folklore of Ancient Egypt; stories which once served as the backbone of a religion centered around Osirian ritual – the cosmic cycles of death, dismemberment and resurrection. If you can’t wait for the website you can visit his website at www.paulkiritsis.com







Have a great week and check back with us next Sunday for another exciting week of authors and their books at Paperback Writer.



Tags: David Grant, Bleach 1 Blackout, Mary Burton, I’m Watching You, Tori Kropp, The Joy of Pregnancy, Paul Kiritsis, Hermetica: Myths, Legends, Poems, virtual book tour, virtual author tour, author interviews, book spotlights, Pump Up Your Book Promotion,






The 99th Monkey – Author Interview – Eliezer Sobel


Eliezer Sobel joins us today at Paperback Writer. Eliezer is the author of the memoir, The 99th Monkey; A Spiritual Journalist’s Misadventures with Gurus, Messiahs, Sex, Psychedelics, and Other Consciousness-Raising Adventures. Eliezer is also the author of Minyan: Ten Jewish Men in a World that is Heartbroken, which was the winner of the Peter Taylor Prize for the Novel. His story story Mordecai’s Book, won the New Millennium’s First Prize for Fiction and his articles and stories have appeared in numerous magazines and other publications.  He’s visiting with Paperback Writer as part of his virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion and he will share with us his journey on the road to writing this book and to publication. Grab a cup of coffee and stay for the interview. Leave your comments at the end of this post and you might find yourself a lucky winner of a $50 Amazon gift certificate at the end of the month.

(see details at end of the post)




The 99th Monkey is the story of one man’s utter failure to get enlightened, despite over 30 years of trying. Eliezer Sobel invites readers along on what is both a hilarious and astounding journey through the spiritual, New Age and Human Potential movements of the last 35 years, providing and insider’s view that is at once eye-opening, deeply moving, and completely entertaining.  The 99th Mokey is actually a modern-day hero’s journey that contains its own unique blend of wisdom and insight into what it really means to be a human being. You can Eliezer and his book on the web at www.the99thmonkey.com




Hi Eliezer.


Welcome to Paperback Writer.


Would you share with us how you came up with the idea for your book?


I spent over 30 years as a professional spiritual seeker, meeting gurus and teachers who claimed to be avatars or messiahs, staying in ashrams and monasteries, attending intensive workshops and long, silent retreats,  spending many months in India and traveling widely elsewhere , and basically being a human guinea pig for countless New Age, human potential and spiritual programs for bettering oneself or getting enlightened. I often went to great extremes in my quest, way off the beaten path, from spending 40 days alone in a small hut on a mountaintop, to taking ancient shamanic potions in the jungles of Brazil in all-night ceremonies.  I’ve lived a rather strange and unusual life, and my friends were constantly telling me to write a book about it, so I did. 


Was it a light bulb moment or something that you thought about for a very long time?


It was a light bulb, but only about 40-watts!  I just sat down one day, having completed a novel (which also eventually got published, called Minyan: Ten Jewish Men in a World That is Heartbroken) and I thought, “Now what?” I had no great inspiration for another novel, and since writing teachers were always advising people to “write what you know,” and since I don’t know much about anything else, I just started telling my own story, which came rather easily.




How did you come up with the title?


There is a phenomenon that has been called  “The “100th Monkey,” which states that once a “critical mass” of people adopt a particular idea or practice, it reaches what today is often called a “tipping point,” causing a paradigm shift to occur in the entire culture.  So once enough people bought iPods, for example, at a certain point they were suddenly everywhere, and now even new cars come with mp3 inputs.

            There has been a lot of talk over the years, particularly in New Age circles, of a shift that is presumably imminent on the planet Earth, some sort of “Golden Era of Peace” that will finally deliver us from the hell realm we are collectively living in at the present time. But the belief is that this will only happen once enough of us wake up and stop merely living our lives for ourselves as individual egos and begin living from a higher, connected, global identity. 

            So my title is tongue-in-cheek:  in order to reach the 100th monkey, obviously, you first need to get the 99th guy on board, which is me, and I have such a long history of resisting enlightenment and change, that basically I am gumming up the works for the whole planet!


How did you find an agent and publisher?


            Actually, my agent chose not to represent this book, believing that memoirs are too hard to sell. So I did it the traditional, hard way: I shelled out $50 for Writer’s Market, sent out dozens of query letters, received a bunch of form letters that said “Thanks but no thanks,” and finally got lucky with Santa Monica Press.


Who reads your work in progress?

            A handful of carefully selected friends who’s opinion I value a great deal. Some are writer’s themselves, some are just very insightful readers. 





Who made a difference in the book’s quality?


            The people I was just referring to offered many good ideas that I used. For example, in the first draft I described in graphic detail an exercise I participated in during a Human Sexuality workshop, called “The Tush-Push.”  My brother insisted I tone it way down since he knew both his daughters and our parents would be reading the book.  So I did.  (Suffice it to say that it was a partner exercise and involved little finger condoms.)


How long did it take you to complete the first draft?

            About a year.


How long did it take from start to publication?

            Ten years.  


Do you have any advice for new authors?


            There is a progressive sequence of rewards in the publishing business. At first, just to be published at all seems like the dream of a lifetime. But although getting published is definitely a great thrill, it is an extremely temporary thrill, after which one must face the impossible and unbearable fact that literally hundreds of thousands of new books are released in the U.S. every year. That has been the hardest thing for me to come to terms with. I get ulcers every time I walk into Barnes and Noble.  Then, even when I do find my own book in Barnes and Noble, (which at one time would have been the next great dream) it’s usually on a back shelf somewhere, and I get very jealous and envious of the authors who have made it to the tables up front.  It’s never-ending. Better to find a way to be satisfied with the process of writing itself than waiting on the signs of external success, unless you’re one of the lucky ones, and we all hope for that.


Thank you, Eliezer, for stopping by Paperback Writer on your virtual book tour. I wish you continued success through the rest of you tour.





The 99th Monkey Virtual Book Tour ’08 officially began on August 4, 2008 and will continues all month. You can visit Eliezer’s tour stops at www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in August to find out more about (his/her) and (his/her) book.


As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author  with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comment on our authors blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they come available. The winners will be announced on www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com on August 31!


Please leave your comments along the tour stops and join us on August 31 to see if you are a winner.




Eliezer Sobel, The 99th Monkey; A Spiritual Journalist’s Misadventures with Gurus, Messiahs, Sex, Psychedelics, and other Consciousness-Raising Adventures, Pump Up Your Book Promotion, virtual book tours, virtual blog tour, virtual author tour, book spotlights, book reviews, author interviews, online book promotion,








Beyond Me – Author Interview – Kathi Macias


Beyond Me – Author Interview – Kathi Macias



Kathi Macias joins us today at Paperback Writer. Kathi is the author of the non-fiction religious book, Beyond Me: Living a You-First in a Me-First World. A popular speaker and prolific author, Kathi is also an Angel-award winning writer who has published twenty-one books and hundreds of articles. She’s visiting with Paperback Writer as part of her virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion and she will share with us her journey on the road to writing this book and to publication. Grab a cup of coffee and stay for the interview. Leave your comments at the end of this post and you might find yourself a lucky winner of a $50 Amazon gift certificate at the end of the month.

(see details at end of the post)




Living with other in Mind: Beyond Me is an invitation to pursue true discipleship. Using sometimes humorous but always vulnerable and meaningful examples, Beyond Me ties together current, historical, and biblically documented insights and teaching to encourage you to aspire to the higher calling of true discipleship. Beyond Me is appropriate for individual or small-group settings. For more information and to view the Beyond Me music video, visit http://www.kathimacias.com/.




Hi Kathi,


Welcome to Paperback Writer.


Would you share with us how you came up with the idea for your book? 


I’ve authored a lot of books over the last couple of decades, but Beyond Me is the “book of my heart,” the one I’ve worked on for many years. It has been a real labor of love because it is what God has been teaching me for the thirty-plus years I’ve known Him. And because I tend to learn things the hard way, God had to walk me through the message of this book many times before I finally “got it.” (And, of course, now that I’ve said that, I’ll probably find myself walking through it yet again!)


The main point, or “heart message,” of this book is that God has called us to lay down our lives—daily, over and over again, as we grow more and more like Him, the Supreme Model of You-First Living in a Me-First World. As a result, our sacrificial living may very well not be appreciated or understood by a world that practices and applauds the exact opposite, but we must continue to model that you-first life anyway—even to the very ones who reject our attempts to do so. Though there are other points present in the book—unconditional love, the cost of discipleship, the continual need for “attitude adjustments”—they all revolve around the central theme of God’s calling to model a you-first life in a me-first world.


Was it a light bulb moment or something that you thought about for a very long time?


Definitely a long-term project, one that I thought about and that stirred in my heart for years before it finally ended up in a book.


How did you come up with the title?


I wish I could take credit for the title, but I can’t. I originally titled it A HIGHER CALLING: MODELING A YOU-FIRST LOVE IN A ME-FIRST WORLD. However, Pastor Chris Hayward’s excellent foreword for the book was the inspiration for the title. It was the publisher, after reading the foreword, who came up with a much better title than my original. I really like the entire concept that is captured in the two words, “Beyond Me.”


How did you find an agent and publisher?


I’ve actually been publishing now for over twenty years, so I had already had an agent when I started working on this book, and my agent found the publisher. Though I’ve worked with several publishers in the past, I must say that I am extremely happy with this one and excited to be doing more books with them in the coming months and years.


Who reads your work in progress?


My husband is always the first to read my works in progress, and then my mom, who lives with us. After that it’s my agent and possibly my marketing person and/or publicist. That’s usually about it before it goes to the publisher. Of course, there are exceptions. Right now I’m working on a novel that involves a rather messy murder, as well as the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator, so I have a couple of “detective-type” experts reading it as I go.


Who made a difference in the book’s quality?


Absolutely everyone involved in the process, from the first readings of the first draft by my husband and mom, all the way through the editing process. My editor at New Hope, Randy Bishop, is topnotch and really helped me take this book to the next level. I appreciate that in an editor.


How long did it take you to complete the first draft?


This particular book was quite a bit longer in the making than most of my manuscripts. It’s not unusual for me to write anywhere from three to five or even six book-length manuscripts in a year, since I do a lot of collaborative writing for other people, so I don’t often have the luxury of spending a lot of time on each one. However, since this was the “book of my heart,” one that came about through trial and error (mostly my own!), it was actually written over a period of years. Once the first draft was finished, however, the “clean up” work was done in a matter of weeks.


How long did it take from start to publication?


Again, this is a real exception for me, but from the time I typed the first words until the actual release date of the book was about ten years.


Do you have any advice for new authors?


Never give up! This is one of the toughest lines of work imaginable—on a par with breaking in to acting or singing. But if you truly love it and truly believe it’s what God has called you to do, just keep at it. Go to writers’ conferences. Take classes. Join a critique group. Start small by submitting articles or short stories so you can build your resume before jumping into full-length book manuscripts.


In summary and in the words of my former journalism professor, “Whether you want to be a good writer or mechanic or doctor or bricklayer, find someone who already does it well—and hang around ‘em!”


Thank you, Kathi for stopping by Paperback Writer on your virtual book tour. I wish you continued success through the rest of you tour.



Beyond Me Virtual Book Tour ’08 officially began on August 4, 2008 and will continues all month. You can visit [name] tour stops at www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in August to find out more about Kathi and her book.


As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author  with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comment on our authors blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they come available. The winners will be announced on www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com on August 31!


Please leave your comments along the tour stops and join us on August 31 to see if you are a winner.


Tags: Kathi Macias, Beyond Me: Living a You-First Life in a Me-First World, Pump Up Your Book Promotion, virtual book tours, virtual blog tour, virtual author tour, book spotlights, book reviews, author interviews,