Tag Archive | online book promotion

Glorify Each Day – author interview – John Banks

Join John Banks, author of the literary fiction novel, Glorify Each Day (819 Publishing), as he virtually tours the blogosphere September 5 – October 28 2011 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book!


John Banks was born in Asheville, NC.  His storytelling is very much in the Southern tradition, with a special affinity for humorists such as Mark Twain and the Old Southwest school of writers.  Though entirely imaginary, much of the material in Glorify Each Day must have come from his many years as a teacher in the public schools and community colleges of his native state and from the three years he spent as an a community college administrator.

Visit his website at www.819publishing.com or his Facebook Fan Page here.

Visit the author’s tour page at Pump Up Your Book!

Purchase Glorify Each Day in book or kindle format at Amazon


Glorify Each Day Book Tour

About Glorify Each Day

Glorify Each Day is a darkly comical novel depicting the consequences of violence in modern American life.  It tells many stories.  Tommy “Teach” Morrison, the novel’s main character, tells the story of his relationship with his childhood friend Charles – a story of a horrible misunderstanding and a story that Tommy can never retell.  It tells the story of Tommy and Cait, a story of shared love and shared jokes, but a story that Tommy has doomed to end unhappily.

Glorify Each Day is the story of how Tommy becomes Teach, a man on a mission and on a quest for redemption – instructor extraordinaire (at least in his own mind) who must become the protector of all the ill-fated youngsters put in his charge.  It is the story of Teach and his father, a crusty, foul-mouthed abuser of everyone around him and proof that nuts don’t fall very far from the tree.

Glorify Each Day is a story about storytelling and the many different ways to tell a story – stories about Teach’s students; about superheroes, Jesus, races, raps, rapes; about a young woman who learns how to forgive her father, another young woman who learns how to forgive herself, and another young woman who learns that she doesn’t need anyone’s forgiveness.  And these are stories that Teach should be able to learn something from, too, stories that shine a light on lives disfigured by violence and loss.




Q:  Do you work from an outline?


Yes and no.  I always have a mental outline of where I am and where I’m going, but I didn’t actually write out an outline while I was working on Glorify.  I would describe it as an imaginary roadmap that I’m following.  Imagine yourself starting off on a road trip – you can easily name all the cities you plan to pass through, and imagine what much of the scenery will look like, and you will keep certain landmarks and mileposts in mind as you’re driving – but you know there will be lots of unknown territory and surprises along the way.


Q:  What’s next for you?


I’m currently doing research into various historical milieus I’m planning to incorporate into a tall tale about America’s self-proclaimed “manifest destiny.”


Q:  Who is your favorite author, and why?


Philip Roth will always be my favorite author because I read Portnoy’s Complaint and knew, as I was reading, that I was reading the funniest book I had ever read as well as the most serious book I had ever read.  And that’s the gold standard I try to keep in mind as I’m writing.  Runners-up in that category would be Catch-22 by Joseph Heller and The Blood of the Lamb or Reuben, Reuben by Peter DeVries, who is a writer more people need to read.


Q:  What are a few of your favorite genres and why?


I don’t know how common or uncommon this is, but for a writer of fiction I read very little fiction.  I tend to read whatever I feel will help my writing, and I’m no longer looking for fiction-writing influences.  Throughout college all I read was fiction because those fiction-writing influences were all I was after; now, I read mostly history, science, and the social sciences.  The last fiction I read was Infinite Jest, a couple of years ago.


Q: In writing your book/novel if you could do it again what would you do differently?


It was such a wonderful experience writing this novel that I don’t think I would change a thing.  But I don’t want to duck your question, so I guess the one thing I could have done differently is, once I decided to self-publish I could have added as much to the manuscript as I wanted.  I was very conscious of the word count.  Everybody who is somebody tells first-time novelists to keep their manuscript under 100,000 words if they expect to have any chance of landing a publisher.  I could have written a lot more about these characters.  But, the truth is, most novels suffer more from obesity than malnutrition, so I think putting a self-imposed limit on how much I wrote helped keep everything tight on on-task.  There were a couple of minor themes I would have liked to touch on a bit more, but I don’t think it would have improved the final product.


Q:  Time Frame: From start to finish


I wrote Glorify Each Day really quickly.  I started writing it in late February or early March 2010 and had a finished first draft by late June 2010.  Of course, as soon as I had the first draft finished I immediately started doing rewrites.  Interestingly, the fewest rewrites were in the sections where I assumed the writing voices of GED students writing practice essays.  It’s almost like it came easier for me to write in “other” voices than in what I consider to be my own narrative voice.


Q:  Have you ever abandoned any books/novels in progress?


I started writing a novel as soon as I graduated college and it was a very frustrating experience.  I had written short stories but had never attempted anything novel-length.  I knew I had the drive and ambition necessary to see a novel through to completion, and I thought I had the talent needed as well, but I think now, looking back several years, that I was too trapped inside my own head at the time to be really open to all the creative possibilities that I’m aware of now.  I wasn’t able to “think outside the box,” as the cliché goes.  So I had a lot of days where nothing would budge and the ideas just weren’t coming and after a few months I decided to put the “novel” aside for awhile.  I had only written maybe fifty pages of usable prose.  I didn’t think I was actually going to abandon the idea I had for a novel – such as it was — but once I got a full-time job and had gotten married, and thought about what a struggle it had become to come up with good material, it became easy for me not to write and eventually it became clear that I had indeed abandoned the novel I had always wanted to write.  Just for the record, Glorify Each Day is not that novel.  I had no trouble coming up with interesting ideas for Glorify – it’s definitely “outside the box.”



The Queen’s Gamble – author interview- Barbara Kyle

Quenn's Gamble Book Tour

Join Barbara Kyle, author of the historical novel, The Queen’s Gamble (Kensington Books, August 30, 2011) as she virtually tours the blogosphere in September on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book!

About Barbara Kyle

Barbara Kyle is the author of the Tudor-era “Thornleigh” series of novels, which have been published internationally: The Queen’s Captive, The Queen’s Lady, and The King’s Daughter, praised by Publishers Weekly as “a complex and fast-paced plot, mixing history with vibrant characters.” Her new novel, The Queen’s Gamble, will be released on 30 August 2011.

Barbara previously won acclaim for her contemporary novels under pen name ‘Stephen Kyle’, including Beyond Recall (a Literary Guild Selection), After Shock and The Experiment. Over 400,000 copies of her books have been sold.

Barbara has taught courses for writers at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies, and is known for her dynamic workshops for many writers organizations. Her popular series of video workshops “Writing Fiction That Sells” is available through her website. Before becoming an author, Barbara enjoyed a twenty-year acting career in television, film, and stage productions in Canada and the U.S.

Visit www.BarbaraKyle.com.

About The Queen’s Gamble

Young Queen Elizabeth I’s path to the throne has been a perilous one, and already she faces a dangerous crisis. French troops have landed in Scotland to quell a rebel Protestant army, and Elizabeth fears that once they are entrenched on the border, they will invade England.

Isabel Thornleigh has returned to London from the New World with her Spanish husband, Carlos Valverde, and their young son. Ever the queen’s loyal servant, Isabel is recruited to smuggle money to the Scottish rebels. Yet Elizabeth’s trust only goes so far—Isabel’s son will be the queen’s pampered hostage until she completes her mission. Matters grow worse when Isabel’s husband is engaged as military advisor to the French, putting the couple on opposite sides in a deadly cold war.

Set against a lush, vibrant backdrop peopled with unforgettable characters and historical figures, The Queen’s Gamble is a story of courage, greed, passion, and the high price of loyalty…


Author Barbara Kyle




Q:  Give us an example of a typical writing day.


Early morning, around 7:00, is for answering emails. It’s a joy to hear how my books have touched readers, and hear what they’re up to. I happily reply to each note. This is also the time when I post updates on my Facebook Author Page and post on Twitter. I love Twitter, love checking out the fascinating links that other authors and book-business people post, so I have to cut myself off at 9:00 a.m.


The rest of the morning I spend on “fixing” – re-writing — whatever scene I wrote the day before. I enjoy this process and could fix all day, so again I have to cut myself off at noon.


The afternoon is the challenging part of the day: it’s for creating the next “bit”. I need that morning of re-writing to build up momentum for the afternoon creating. I strive to write 4 to 5 new pages a day, but I rarely accomplish that. Usually it’s 3 to 3 1/2.


Q:  Do you write on a computer or with pen/pencil and paper?


Computer, always. I couldn’t read my own handwriting! But I do constantly jot down notes about anything and everything, big and small: from a change of word in a dialogue exchange I’ve written, to a change of the turning point in a whole scene. I keep these hand-written notes in a folder on my desk and continually re-read them, discarding each one as I’ve incorporated the note into the draft.


Q:  Do you work from an outline?

Always. I can’t imagine working any other way – it would be like building a house without a blueprint. In fact, the most helpful tip I can offer any emerging writer is: take the time to write an outline. Take a long time. The outline is where the heavy lifting of creation takes place: the invention of your characters and plot. I spend four or five months writing my outlines, while concurrently doing research. (John Grisham says he works for up to six months on his.) I call the outline a Storyline, because as writers we must never forget that we’re telling a story. In the workshops for writers that I give, I love to teach the principles of outlining. I did a video on this subject in my series of online workshops called “Writing Fiction That Sells.” Anyone interested can watch a clip on my website: www.barbarakyle.com.


Q:  What’s next for you?


I’m working on Book #5 in my Tudor-era “Thornleigh” series. (The Queen’s Gamble is Book #4.) I have a contract with my wonderful publisher, Kensington Books, for three more in this series, so I’m deep into the next one. It features Mary Queen of Scots, at the moment she escapes captivity in Scotland and takes sanctuary in England, naively expecting Queen Elizabeth, who was her cousin, to help her. Little did she know what a crisis her presence would cause Elizabeth.



Q:  What are a few of your favorite genres and why?


I enjoy many genres, from Joanna Trollope’s wonderful domestic dramas to big adventure sagas (last month I re-read James Clavell’s “Shogun”) to historical fiction like David Mitchell’s brilliant “The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet.”


I also enjoy biographies; recently I read a door-stopper bio of Charles Dickens. And I read a lot of non-fiction. I just finished Adam Hochschild’s “To End All Wars,” a stunning and heartbreaking book about the insanity of World War I and the brave Brits who refused to fight and went to jail for it. Hochschild is such a fine writer I’ve just started his “Bury the Chains” about the anti-slavery movement in the 18th century.




Q:  Time Frame: From start to finish


I’m under contract to produce a book a year, so I have to carefully manage my writing time. When I start a new book I work for 4 or 5 months on the outline, while concurrently doing research. As Hemingway famously said, “The first draft of anything is sh*t” so I try to write my first draft as quickly as possible, to just get it done. That takes about 4 more months. Then, the really pleasurable work begins: the second draft. (As I said, I love to fix.)  I spend a month or so on that. Then, the last few weeks before my deadline is for an intense, quick polish. Then I send the manuscript to my superb editor, Audrey LaFehr. After she gives me her notes, I do another draft that incorporates her suggestions – another month or so. The book then goes into production, which takes about 9 months. Then, voila, it’s in the stores – and by that time I’m deep into writing the next book!



Pump Up Your Book is Having a Facebook Party! Please Join Us!


Pump Up Your Book will be hosting the February 2011 Authors on Tour on Friday February 25, 2011 at 9 – 11 p.m. (eastern time – adjust to your time zone). Tell your book friends that not only will this give them an opportunity to chat with their favorite authors BUT…


The participating authors and their giveaways include:

Rose Valenta is giving away a paperback copy of her humor book, Sitting on Cold Porcelain.

Allan Leverone is giving away an e-copy of his thriller, Final Vector, and 6 e-copies of Postcards from the Apocalypse.

Frank Edwards is giving away a paperback copy of his medical thriller, Final Mercy and a paperback copy of his poetry and short story book, It’ll Ease the Pain.

Pamela Samuels Young will be giving away a paperback copy of her legal thriller, Murder on the Down Low, and a copy of her audio CD, How to Write a Novel Despite Your Day Job.

Sheila Hendrix will be giving away both a paperback copy and e-book copy of her YA paranormal, The Betrayal.

Cynthia Kocialski will be giving away a paperback copy of her startup business book, Startup from the Ground Up.

C.W. Gortner will be giving away a paperback copy of his historical mystery, The Tudor Secret.

Vincent Zandri will be giving away 2 autographed copies of his thriller, Moonlight Falls & 2 autographed copies of his thriller, The Remains!

Jeanne C. Davis will be giving away a paperback copy of her psychological mystery, Sheetrock Angel!

Frank Scully will be giving away an e-copy of his mystery novel, Resurrection Garden!

Pump Up Your Book will be giving away a $25 Amazon gift certificate!!!!

To find out the details, visit our Facebook Party page here!

leave me a comment to book your book tour

West Oversea: A Norse Saga of Mystery, Adventur and Faith – by author Lars Walker

click on the book cover to purchase

Join Lars Walker, author of the Christian Norse adventure novel, West Oversea: A Norse Saga of Mystery, Adventure and Faith (Nordskog Publishing, Inc.), as he virtually tours the blogosphere in October on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book.

About Lars Walker

Lars (pronounced Larce) Walker is a native of Kenyon, Minnesota, and lives in Minneapolis. He has worked as a crabmeat packer in Alaska, a radio announcer, a church secretary and an administrative assistant, and is presently librarian and bookstore manager for the schools of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations in Plymouth, Minnesota. He is the author of four previously published novels, and is the editor of the journal of the Georg Sverdrup Society. Walker says, “I never believed that God gave me whatever gifts I have in order to entertain fellow Christians. I want to confront the world with the claims of Jesus Christ.” His latest release is West Oversea: A Norse Saga of Mystery, Adventure and Faith. Visit Lars online at www.larswalker.com/

 and his blog at www.brandywinebooks.net/


About West Oversea

In this Viking adventure tale, Erling Skjalgsson valiantly relinquishes his power and lands rather than be dishonorable to his evil brother. Supported by a well-drawn cast of characters, Skjalgsson sets sail for uncharted vistas with Greenland as the ultimate destination. The first leg of their voyage takes them to a newly settled Iceland. A dangerous storm blows the adventurers off-course where they encounter new peril with the wild lands and peoples of North America. Meanwhile, Erling’s Irish priest, Father Aillil, on a quest to rescue his enslaved sister, wrestles with a secret dark power that threatens to destroy them all. West Oversea is set against the historical and dramatic Eleventh century backdrop of a Norway in flux as pagan Norwegians are converted to Christianity—sometimes by force.

Here’s what critics are saying about West Oversea!

“…I found West Oversea to be a worthy continuation of the Erling Saga. The book reads so fast that when it’s done, the reader is left both satisfied with the ending and still longing for the story to continue.” –Darwin Garrison, Fort Wayne, IN “West Oversea is a fantastic book and deserves to be one of many in a long series….This broadly researched Viking adventure is written within a beautifully rich framework. It is like an actor who does not break his character, even when everyone else goes off-script.” –Phil Wade, brandywinebooks.net

Thursday Thirteen – Thirteen Things About Another World

About Another World

Scientist, educator, and author Philip Stott takes us on a harrowing journey back to the future. The time: a few thousand years ago. The place: a world we can barely imagine—and may not want to. Here there is much to amaze, but there is also much to appall. Here, all but a few have forgotten God; here, note but a few realize what is coming—terrifyingly—from above and beneath. To enter that world is to risk seeing our own. But enter it you should—the better to prepare yourself for another world that is soon to come.

Read the Excerpt

After he had splattered his son’s brains out all over the sledway, it was all he could do to stop himself from burying his head in his hands and weeping in front of his men. He hated himself for striking that blow, but he’d had to do it. Couldn’t let him suffer for hours—no chance he could live with his guts torn and spilling out, not even if they could have got him to a doctor. Shouldn’t let anyone else finish him off, either.
But he’d had to put on a show of indifference. In a gang like this, the first sign of weakness would mean a knife in the back before the day was out.

Thirteen things that show “Another World” might be right on track.

1 The dinos could have been there.
When Mary Schweitzer published her reports about T-Rex skeletons full of blood vessels (with blood cells in them), un-fossilized pre-historic bones were already old hat for a ‘dozer operator I know. For her they were a big surprise. For him they were a big problem. If the antiquities people got to know about the bones they shut down the site. So he’d load them up and cart them off to the dump before anybody noticed. One thing’s for sure. Dino bones still oozing the red stuff don’t make convincing evidence for being snuffed out millions of years ago. Maybe that’s why you can meet some from just a few thousand years ago in Another World.

2 Mammoth steak banquets makes sense.
Mammoth-meat steaks were served to a bunch of top scientists at a Royal Society banquet in London. The Berezovka mammoth is the most famous quick-frozen pachyderm of all time, but thousands have been found. Berez was so big that even if he died in a snowstorm his meat should’ve gone off before he got frozen. The bluebells between his teeth and the undigested grass and flowers in his stomach were as fresh as a daisy. Have you ever picked bluebells in a snow storm fit to bury a mammoth? It’s a mystery how Berez (and thousands of his friends) got preserved. But when you see what little Danny saw you begin to see how it just might have happened.

3 The mag-sleds cut it.
Way back in 1883 Horace Lamb showed that our magnetic field has a problem. It’s fading away – fast! Maxwell’s equations are a king-pin of science and solid as a rock. They tell us that the mag-field is fading away – fast! In a thousand years a compass needle won’t point North. Unless you invent some magic dynamo you can’t push time back much beyond twenty thousand years – there’s so much energy in the field that all life gets roasted, and further back than that the earth melts. But back in Another World, with a field 50 times as strong as it is now, the mag-sleds are in business.

4 The “Julsrud collection” fits
When Waldemar Julsrud found ancient pottery and stone dinosaurs in Acambaro, Mexico he called in all sorts of experts to suss them out. Well, as you would expect, some, who didn’t want to risk their jobs, said they must be recent fakes since dinos died out before anybody was around to see them. But major labs have dated them to about two thousand to four-and-a-half thousand years. And some of the details of the dinos bodies were only discovered by scientists later. Most experts who’ve studied them agree those ancient modelers knew those ancient critters first hand.

5 The “Carboniferous Mystery” is solved.
Human footprints in the Carboniferous (when there should only be amphibians and coal swamps) made Albert Ingalls wonder if geologists ought to resign their jobs and take up truck driving. A better solution is to follow Lano and Telina from the floating forests to the mountains of mud.

6 There’s a solution to the riddle of the great pyramid.
Cheops is the biggest building in the world. Two and a half times the volume of Empire State. It has 6 250 000 tons of dressed stone – more than all the churches, cathedrals and chapels ever built in the whole of England. It’s square to three ten-thousandths of a percent. It’s the most accurately aligned (true North) building in the world. It’s very doubtful that we could build its equal today. Where did the technology come from? That has baffled archaeologists for a long time. But the ancients themselves told us. There was a previous high-tech civilization they called the “Golden Age”. In Another World you can get a glimpse of it.

7 The first Carbon 14 shock is not so shocking.
Interesting stuff C14. When Prof. Willard Libby introduced his C14 dating method he said “Arnold and I had our first shock when advisers informed us that history extended back only for 5,000 years”. Bit of a bummer when you’re wanting to test things a whole lot older! Like the rest of us, Prof. Libby had gone through his life thinking those stories of deep time were a whole lot more than just an archaeologist’s pipe-dream!

8 The second C14 shock is no big deal either.
Interesting book, Prof Libby’s “Radio Carbon Dating”. Tells you the method depends on constant C14 in the atmosphere for a whole bunch of time. Also tells you C14 ain’t reached its constant level yet … not by a long way! Funny, since the rate of production has been measured and the rate of decay is known; should take only 30,000 years to equilibrium. But it’s not there yet. That kind of blows a hole in the millions of years – blows away some people’s confidence in C14 dating too.

9 The third C14 shock becomes, well, more like a yawn.
When Radio Carbon Dating was new they published just about any C14 dates. But when they got coal and oil just a few thousand years old, they said “hey, wait a minute, aren’t they supposed to be a whole lot older than that?” So they stopped publishing papers that showed “old” things are not actually old at all. If they’d experienced Another World’s floating forests (which plenty of the coal was made from), and its fish and kronos and stuff (which the oil could have been made from) they might have said “Ah yes, of course!”

10 The alternative time-frame is in big trouble.
A while ago I was at a Geology meeting. I brought up a whole lot of things that were out of place in the geological column. A geologist turned to the author of the standard text book:- “Professor Brink, is it true that things get found in the wrong place?” “Er … Um … We often find angiosperms in the Ordovician, and sometimes even in the Cambrian”. Now according to Richard Dawkins, if anything were ever found in the wrong place in the geological column it would disprove evolution. Yes. True. But it wipes out the whole geological time story too. Angiosperms (flowering plants) can’t be there hundreds of millions of years before they evolved.

11 The metals strike the right note.
Did you get to wondering about the Tubal-Cainite in the sled guards’ uniforms? Tubal-cain was a metalworking instructor from way back in Genesis 4. There are reports of pre-flood steel nails found in Britain. From China there are bronze implements tempered as strong as high grade steel. I’ve seen a pre-flood iron hammer rust-proofed by a sulphur process we haven’t been able to duplicate yet. We can’t duplicate that tempering of bronze either. They knew a lot about metals!

12 Big blocks not so baffling.
Heard of Tiahuanaco? Famous place 12,000 ft up and 4,000 years old. Made with blocks of accurately cut stone – a couple of hundred tons some of them. There are quite a few sites about that age with similar blocks. But at Sacsayhuaman … Hey, how’s that again? Just say “sexy woman” and you’re right on. OK, well, there’s one awesome block like a five storey building. 20,000 tons of it. We’d have a major problem trying to move Tiahuanaco’s blocks today, so how did they get that sexy woman’s block from a quarry 20 miles away on the other side of a mountain? Could the technology have come from the Golden Age? … From Another World?

13 There are wierder things than public Trico / Tyranno fights
Paintings on pottery and rocks from South America to the Far East show people fighting dinosaurs, and, wait for it, soldiers riding triceratops and other dinos into battle. When Alexander the Great reached India the locals were more worried about him killing the huge creatures they worshiped than taking the country. Not far away from there, the Angkor Wat temple was built about 800 years ago. It has carvings of all sorts of animals – including a stegosaurus and a corythosaurus. You can meet both of them… guess where.

About Philip Stott

Philip Stott was born in England in 1943. He studied at Manchester University, where he obtained B.S. (with honours) and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering. He lectured at universities in Nigeria and South Africa and carried out research in the analysis of geometrically nonlinear structures. He shared the Henry Adams Award for outstanding research in 1969. While lecturing at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, he studied biology. After leaving Wits he joined an engineering consulting firm. His ongoing interest in all aspects of science led to studies in mathematics and astronomy with the University of South Africa and, later, to four years of part-time research with the Applied Mathematics Department of the University of the Orange Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa.

After many years as a firm atheist, he was converted to Christianity in 1976. Following several years of studying the conflicting claims of secular science and Scripture, he actively entered the Creation/Evolution debate in 1989.

In 1992, he was invited to address a conference in Russia and since then has lectured, addressed conferences, and taken part in debates in eastern and western Europe, America, Canada, and southern Africa. Venues have included the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN), a UNESCO International Conference on the Teaching of Physics, and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Philip Stott is married to Margaret (born Lloyd). They have two children, Robert and Angela; and two grandchildren, Sean and Julie. They live in Bloemfontein, South Africa.

You can read more about Philip and his novel, Another World at http://nordskogpublishing.com/book-another-world.shtml

PHILIP STOTT’S ANOTHER WORLD VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR ‘10 will officially begin on October 4 and end on October 29, 2010. Please contact Cheryl Malandrinos before September 17 (or until the tour fills up) if you are interested in reviewing his book or click here to use the form.

Tags: Another World, author tour, blog tour, blog tours, book blog tour, book promotion, book promotion online, book promotions, book tour, book tours, Christian fiction, Christian science-fiction adventure novel, online book promotion, Philip Stott, Pump Up Your Book, Pump Up Your Book Promotion, virtual author tour, virtual blog tour, virtual blog tours, virtual book tour, virtual book tours

October Contest – Win a Copy of the novel Black Child to Black Woman by Cheryl Bannerman

Contest – Win a Copy of Black Child to Black Woman

Today we are starting the month with a book contest. Our guest author is Cheryl Bannerman, author of Black Child to Black Woman and she is on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book. Cheryl will be visiting today and tomorrow. We will be giving away a copy of her book at the end of her book tour.
To become eligible to win, all you have to do is ask a question or leave a comment either today or tomorrow. One lucky reader who comments with their email address is put in a pot to win the book.
To recap:
• ask a question or leave a comment either Monday or Tuesday or comment on this post any day during the month
• leave your email address
• optional to subscribe for email updates
• A winner will be picked on October 29, and be notified by email
• The winner of the contest will be announced on this blog
• You will receive a copy of Black Child to Black Woman 1 – 2 weeks after the winner is announced

About Black Child to Black Woman

Black Child to Black Woman is a ‘live diary’ experience that will grab your attention right from the start. Tara Walker speaks directly to the reader as she adds entry after entry into her Journal. She documents her experiences, her family life, her triumphs, as well as her interpretation of life and the world as she saw it. As she grows, so does the language and tone of the diary, which matches her maturity and speech patterns as the time passes.

Experiences are mere images engraved in our minds that we recall when future events occur such as a tragedy or even when a song is playing on the radio. Tara has captured those moments in time in her diary, even the painful ones. Although she came from a loving home with both parents, she struggled to come to grips with siblings addicted to drugs, molestation, attempted rape, broken hearts, and so much more.

Her diary experiences will make you laugh, cry, scream, sigh, and gasp aloud. As Tara struggles to keep her head above water and fight through the tribulations of her life, she continues to smile, continues to grow as a person, continues to be successful in her career, and continues to survive. Through it all and through her daughter, she eventually discovers the true meaning of unconditional love.

Come discover life through the eyes of Tara as she grows from a black child to a black woman.

About Cheryl Bannerman

Cheryl McNeil (pen name, Cheryl D. Bannerman, her birth name) is CEO of a small virtual training company based out of Central New Jersey. She works out of her home office and creates classroom training materials, e-Learning modules, job aides and much more for corporate employees and their clients. She holds a Bachelors in Business Management and a Masters in Project Management. She is also the (divorced) single mother of a beautiful eleven year old girl.

In her spare time she loves to read murder mysteries, watch movies, try new restaurants and cuisines, shop with her daughter, and in the summer, walk the boardwalk and take in the sun on the beach. Although her works are fiction, she has incorporated many of her life’s experiences into her stories.
You can find Cheryl at www.bannermanbooks.com
Follow along on Cheryl’s tour, http://www.pumpupyourbook.com/2010/10/02/black-child-to-black-woman-virtual-book-tour-october-10/

Loving God With All Your Heart – author interview – Susie Hobson

About Loving God With All Your Heart

Are you satisfied with your daily life? Do you run more on empty than full? Do you always feel like there is more out there for you? This book will take you deeper into your heart’s desire for a real relationship with God, a powerful relationship that will transform your whole life! Susie Hobson reminds us that the love we all long for begins and ends with a life that is surrendered to Jesus. From her real experience she offers practical application of communing with God through His Word to inspire and encourage a closer walk, resulting in empowerment for faithful living. Susie gives a clear path to the fulfillment of the greatest desire of man’s heart—God’s unfailing love as the foundation for wisdom and serving God in our homes and community. This book, Loving God With All Your Heart should fill a real need among families who long for a Biblical order in the home. Susie’s testimony is absorbing.

Read the Excerpt

Are you one of those who want more? Increasingly, I hear the same statement over and over again: “Susie, I want more!” There is a desire in all of us for something that people, places, possessions, fame and fortune cannot fill. What is that elusive need, that heart’s desire we all seem to crave? I am convinced that it is a real relationship with God – a powerful relationship!

Interview with Susie Hobson

Q: Do you write on a computer or with pen/pencil and paper?

A: I write on the computer. I started with pen and paper some years ago but found that by going ahead and writing on the computer I could save time and duplication. Also, corrections come much easier and research can be a snap when you have the world wide web right there and available. Now I just “think” better with a computer screen in front of me.

Q: Do you work from an outline?

A: Yes, I tend to outline an idea and collect my thoughts in chapter form. This gives me perspective and a workable time-line/goal as well as a good starting point.

Q: What’s next for you?

A: I’m just finishing a recipe book, Make Okra Not War, about my growing up years in a small town in Alabama, named Enterprise. My parents and grandparents were all from there and we knew most everyone in town. Both my grandmother and mother were amazing cooks (my grandmother from the old ways and my mother from the “casserole” and quicker methods) and when they both recently passed I ended up with their recipe books and also all my memories of growing up in the south in the culture clash/crash times of the 60’s and 70’s. Put them together and you have got my new book.

I’m also working on a history book with a completely different slant – it’s a subject that has not been covered in depth before and I’m keeping it to myself right now – so I’m sorry, but I can’t talk about it! Ask me again in a year!

Q: Who is your favorite author?

A: I have several. Catherine Marshall is possibly my most favorite and she wrote one of my favorite books, A Man Called Peter. Her book, Julie, is also very good. I love David McCullough’s history books. Jan Karon’s Mitford Series is wonderful. Agatha Christie is a long time favorite and always entertaining. Jane Austen, Daphne Du Maurier, John Grisham, Anne George, and Clive Cussler come to mind.

Q: What are a few of your favorite genres and why?

A: Christian books are my daily staple. I have some that I keep handy and read daily/weekly. I had a very traumatic and evil conversion experience and I don’t think you ever go through what I did and walk away as if it were no big deal. The spiritual world is real and here and now and knowing what I know—I take my Christianity seriously (happily/joyfully, but seriously). I read my Bible daily and substantially. I read Oswald Chambers, His Utmost for His Highest, daily devotion on a regular basis (so full of great insight and wisdom). I frequently read In His Steps by Charles Sheldon (I want to think like that!). Andrew Murray’s books on prayer are powerful selections and have helped my prayer life immensely. George Muller’s life story is powerful in faith and I always want to live like that. Billy Graham is one of my favorites as well and his Just As I Am tells a story that I believe could be true for so many of us if we would be willing to follow God–just as we are.

Q: Do you have a writer’s studio? Describe it for us and what is the view you see from the window?

A: I write at home in my study. The study is a book-lined formal room that is warm and inviting. It is on the front corner of our house and has two large windows that look out toward our front yard. We live in a neighborhood where a good many people like to walk for exercise in both the morning and afternoon hours which keeps my dog entertained. Other than the occasional bark, I work in silence.

Thank you Paperback Writer for your interest in my book Loving God with All Your Heart. I’ve enjoyed my visit with you!

About Susie Hobson

Susie Hobson has a B.A. in Special Education, M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Alabama, and carried a deaf / hearing-impaired and blind / vision-impaired caseload for 16 years. She retired for more time with family and to write as God has called her. She and her husband Rich have two daughters, Whitney and Amelia, live in Montgomery, and attend Lakeview Baptist Church.
Find out more about Loving God with All Your Heart at http://www.nordskogpublishing.com/book-loving-god-with-all-your-heart.shtml

Renters Win, Home Owners Lose: Revealing the Biggest Scam in America by Tom Graneau

click on the book cover to purchase

Join Tom Graneau, author of the nonfiction personal finance book Renters Win, Home Owners Lose: Revealing the Biggest Scam in America (Authorhouse July ‘09), as he virtually tours the blogosphere in August and September 2010 on his first tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion!

About Tom Graneau

Tom Graneau was born in Dominica, a small island in the Caribbean with a population of roughly 70,000 people. When Tom was seventeen years old, he and his mother immigrated to the United States. After two years in the U.S., he became acutely aware of his need for an education and aggressively began finding a way to be in school.

During his fourteen years of service in the Navy, he became increasingly concerned about his financial situation. Things became worse when he left the service. His house went into foreclosure. With added pressure from credit card companies, he ultimately filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

Eventually, he found work as a Financial Management Consultant. In his last employment, Tom spent roughly ten years working as a financial management coach and educator. During that time, he conducted numerous workshops, presentations, and private consultation with members of the military, government employees, and others in the community.

Tom enjoyed working with his clients, but they caused him to wonder about the financial condition of Americans, as a whole. His research proved that money problems extend well beyond what most people are willing to admit or see.

In short, most Americans are broke. Various surveys have shown that roughly 90 percent of working Americans live from paycheck to paycheck, no matter how much money they make. In most cases, the problem is directly related to financial misconceptions, poor training, and lack of knowledge. Home ownership is one of the biggest financial misconceptions in personal finance. Hence the book, Renters Win, Home Owners Lose: Revealing the Biggest Scam in America.

You can visit Tom’s website at http://www.RentersWin.com

About Renters Win, Home Owners Lose

Tom Graneau, a financial management coach, pinpoints owning a home as the black hole for the American dollar. This timely masterpiece exposes the biggest shakedown in consumer spending—home ownership.
Driven by the American dream of grandeur and prosperity, buyers purchase their homes as “smart investments” when in actuality, the best they can hope to get is zero percent return. More commonly, owners lose an enormous amount of money on the deal, driving themselves even deeper into debt as they pour their hard-earned income in mortgage payments and maintenance costs.

In Renters Win, Home Owners Lose, Author Tom Graneau prudently shows readers how to avoid getting trapped in the biggest scam in the country, endorsed by national and local governments and the housing and mortgage industries. Tables, graphs, and various statistics are prominently laced throughout the book to expound the obvious, tangible advantages that renters have over anyone preparing to buy a home.
For those already owning a home—fear not. Graneau concludes by outlining winning strategies and solutions to make their experience a little more agreeable.

Renters Win, Home Owners Lose is a perfect eye-opener for renters, first-time home buyers, and those who plan to upgrade to a second or third home!

Live To Tell by Author Lisa Gardner – Book Excerpt

Join Lisa Gardner, author of the mystery novel, Live to Tell (Bantam July 2010), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in August on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book!

About Lisa Gardner

Lisa Gardner is the New York Times bestselling author of twelve novels. Her Detective D. D. Warren novels include The Neighbor, Hide, and Alone. Her FBI Profiler novels include Say Goodbye, Gone, The Killing Hour, The Next Accident, and The Third Victim. She lives with her family in New England, where she is at work on her next D. D. Warren novel, Save Me, which Bantam will publish in 2011.
You can find Lisa online at http://www.lisagardner.com

About Live to Tell

He knows everything about you—including the first place you’ll hide.
On a warm summer night in one of Boston’s working-class neighborhoods, an unthinkable crime has been committed: Four members of a family have been brutally murdered. The father—and possible suspect—now lies clinging to life in the ICU. Murder-suicide? Or something worse? Veteran police detective D. D. Warren is certain of only one thing: There’s more to this case than meets the eye.
Danielle Burton is a survivor, a dedicated nurse whose passion is to help children at a locked-down pediatric psych ward. But she remains haunted by a family tragedy that shattered her life nearly twenty-five years ago. The dark anniversary is approaching, and when D. D. Warren and her partner show up at the facility, Danielle immediately realizes: It has started again.
A devoted mother, Victoria Oliver has a hard time remembering what normalcy is like. But she will do anything to ensure that her troubled son has some semblance of a childhood. She will love him no matter what. Nurture him. Keep him safe. Protect him. Even when the threat comes from within her own house.
In New York Times bestselling author Lisa Gardner’s most compelling work of suspense to date, the lives of these three women unfold and connect in unexpected ways, as sins from the past emerge—and stunning secrets reveal just how tightly blood ties can bind. Sometimes the most devastating crimes are the ones closest to home.

Read an Excerpt!

Thursday night, Sergeant Detective D. D. Warren was out on a date. It wasn’t the worst date she’d ever been on. It wasn’t the best date she’d ever been on. It was, however, the only date she’d been on in quite some time, so unless Chip the accountant turned out to be a total loser, she planned on taking him home for a rigorous session of balance-the-ledger.
So far, they’d made it through half a loaf of bread soaked in olive oil, and half a cow seared medium rare. Chip had managed not to talk about the prime rib bleeding all over her plate or her need to sop up juices with yet another slice of bread. Most men were taken aback by her appetite. They needed to joke uncomfortably about her ability to tuck away plate after plate of food. Then they felt the need to joke even more uncomfortably that, of course, none of it showed on her girlish figure.
Yeah, yeah, she had the appetite of a sumo wrestler but the build of a cover girl. She was nearly forty, for God’s sake, and well aware by now of her freakish metabolism. She certainly didn’t need any soft- middled desk jockey pointing it out. Food was her passion. Mostly because her job with Boston PD’s homicide unit didn’t leave much time for sex.
She polished off the prime rib, went to work on the twice- baked potato. Chip was a forensic accountant. They’d been set up by the wife of a friend of a guy in the unit. Yep, it made that much sense to D.D. as well. But here she was, sitting in a coveted booth at the Hilltop Steakhouse, and really, Chip was all right. Little doughy in the mid¬dle, little bald on top, but funny. D.D. liked funny. When he smiled, the corners of his deep brown eyes crinkled and that was good enough for her.
She was having meat and potatoes for dinner and, if all went as planned, Chip for dessert.
So, of course, her pager went off.
She scowled, shoved it to the back of her waistband, as if that would make a difference.
“What’s that?” Chip asked, catching the chime.
“Birth control,” she muttered.
Chip blushed to the roots of his receding brown hair, then in the next minute grinned with such self-deprecating power she nearly went weak in the knees.
Better be good, D.D. thought. Better be a fucking massacre, or I’ll be damned if I’m giving up my night.
But then she read the call and was sorry she’d ever thought such a thing.
Chip the funny accountant got a kiss on the cheek.
Then Sergeant Detective D. D. Warren hit the road.
D.D. had been a Boston PD detective for nearly twelve years now. She’d started out investigating traffic fatalities and drug-related homi¬cides before graduating to such major media events as the discovery of six mummified corpses in an underground chamber; then, more recently, the disappearance of a beautiful young schoolteacher from South Boston. Her bosses liked to put her in front of the camera. Nothing like a pretty blonde detective to mix things up.
She didn’t mind. D.D. thrived on stress. Enjoyed a good pressure-cooker case even more than an all-you-can-eat buffet. Only drawback was the toll on her personal life. As a sergeant in the homicide unit, was the leader of a three-person squad. It wasn’t uncommon for them to spend all day tracking down leads, interviewing informants, or revisiting crime scenes. Then they spent most of the night writing up the resulting interviews, affidavits, and/or warrant requests. Each squad also had to take turns being “on deck,” meaning they caught the next case called in, keeping them stuck in a permanent vortex of top- priority active cases, still- unsolved old cases, and at least one or two fresh call- outs per week.
Didn’t sleep much. Or date much. Or really do anything much. Which had been fine until last year, when she’d turned thirty-eight and watched her ex- lover get married and start a family. Sud¬denly, the tough, brash sergeant who considered herself wed to her job found herself studying Good Housekeeping magazine and, even worse, Modern Bride. One day, she picked up Parenting. There was noth¬ing more depressing than a nearly forty-year-old single, childless homicide detective reading Parenting magazine alone in her North End condo.
Especially when she realized some of the articles on dealing with toddlers applied to managing her squad as well.
She recycled the magazines, then vowed to go on a date. Which had led to Chip—poor, almost- got-his-brains-screwed-out Chip—and now had her on her way to Dorchester. Wasn’t even her squad’s turn on deck, but the notification had been “red ball,” meaning something big and bad enough had happened to warrant all hands on deck.
D.D. turned off I-93, then made her way through the maze of streets to the largely working-class neighborhood. Among local offi¬cers, Dorchester was known for its drugs, shootings, and raucous neighborhood parties that led to more drugs and shootings. BPD’s local field district, C-11, had set up a noise reduction hotline as well as a designated “Party Car” to patrol on weekends. Five hundred phone tips and numerous preventive arrests later, Dorchester was finally seeing a decline in homicides, rapes, and aggravated assaults. On the other hand, burglaries were way up. Go figure.
Under the guidance of her vehicle’s navigational system, D.D. ended up on a fairly nice street, double lanes dotted with modest stamps of green lawn and flanked with a long row of tightly nestled three-story homes, many sporting large front porches and an occa¬sional turret.
Most of these dwellings had been carved into multiple-living units over the years, with as many as six to eight in a single house. It was still a nice-looking area, the lawns neatly mowed, the front-porch banis¬ters freshly painted. The softer side of Dorchester, she decided, more and more curious.
D.D. spotted a pileup of Crown Vics, and slowed to park. It was eight- thirty on a Thursday night, August sun just starting to fade on the horizon. She could make out the white ME’s vehicle straight ahead, as well as the traveling crime lab. The vans were bookended by the usual cluster of media trucks and neighborhood gawkers.

When D.D. had first read the location of the call, she’d assumed drugs. Probably a gangland shooting. A bad one, given that the deputy superintendent wanted all eighteen detectives in attendance, so most likely involving collateral damage. Maybe a grandmother caught sit¬ting on her front porch, maybe kids playing on the sidewalk. These things happened, and no, they didn’t get any easier to take. But you handled it, because this was Boston, and that’s what a Boston detec¬tive did.
Now, however, as D.D. climbed out of her car, clipped her creden¬tials to the waistband of her skinny black jeans, and retrieved a plain white shirt to button up over her date cleavage, she was thinking, Not drugs. She was thinking this was something worse. She slung a light jacket over her sidearm, and headed up the sidewalk toward the lion’s den.
D.D. pushed her way through the first wave of jostling adults and curious children. She did her best to keep focused, but still caught phrases such as “shots fired…” “heard squealing like a stuck pig . . .” “Why, I just saw her unloading groceries not four hours before . . .”
“Excuse me, excuse me, pardon me. Police sergeant. Buddy, out of the way.” She broke through, ducking under the yellow tape rop¬ing off portions of the sidewalk, and finally arrived at the epicenter of crime- scene chaos.
The house before her was a gray-painted triple-decker boasting a broad- columned front porch and large American flag. Both front doors were wide open, enabling better traffic flow of investigative person¬nel, as well as the ME’s metal gurney.
D.D. noted delicate lace curtains framed in bay windows on either side of the front door. In addition to the American flag, the porch con¬tained four cheerful pots of red geraniums, half a dozen blue folding chairs, and a hanging piece of slate that had been painted with more red geraniums and the bright yellow declaration: Welcome. Yep, definitely something worse than gun-toting, tennis-shoe-tossing drug dealers.
D.D. sighed, put on her game face, and approached the uniformed officer stationed at the base of the front steps. She rattled off her name and badge number. In turn, the officer dutifully recorded the info in the murder book, then jerked his head down to the bin at his feet.
D.D. obediently fished out booties and a hair covering. So it was that kind of crime scene.
She climbed the steps slowly, keeping to one side. They appeared recently stained, a light Cape Cod gray that suited the rest of the house. The porch was homey, well kept. Clean enough that she sus¬pected it had been recently broom swept. Perhaps after unloading groceries, a household member had tidied up?
It would’ve been better if the porch had been dirty, covered in dust. That might have yielded shoe treads. That might have helped catch whoever did the bad thing D.D. was about to find inside.
She took another breath right outside the door, inhaled the scent of sawdust and drying blood. She heard a reporter calling for a state¬ment. She heard the snap of a camera, the roar of a media chopper, and white noise all around. Gawkers behind, detectives ahead, re¬porters above.
Chaos: loud, smelly, overwhelming. Her job now was to make it right. She got to it.

Thursday Thirteen – Thirteen Things about Sally Koslow’s Books – With Friends Like These

Join Sally Koslow, author of the women’s fiction book, With Friends Like These (Ballantine Books August 2010), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in August on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book!

About With Friends Like These

When Quincy, Jules, Talia, and Chloe become New York City roommates in the early nineties, they become fast friends despite their drastically different personalities. Now, nearly twenty years later, their lives have diverged as much as they possibly can within one city: Quincy is mourning a miscarriage and lusting for the perfect Manhattan apartment; Jules, a woman with an outsize personality, is facing forty alone; Talia, married and the mother of a four-year-old, is her family’s reluctant breadwinner; and Chloe faces pressure from her hedge fund manager husband to be more ambitious. As these women grapple with the challenges of marriage, motherhood, careers, and real estate, they can’t help but assess their positions in life in comparison to each other–leading them to envy and disillusionment. Honest and entertaining, and written in Sally Koslow’s trademark wry, vivid prose, With Friends Like These asks serious questions about what makes female friendship endure, and to whom a woman’s loyalty most belongs.

13 Things about Sally Koslow’s Books

 Sally Koslow’s books….

  1. Will make you laugh
  2. …and possibly cry. In a good way. They have a lot of heart.
  3. Reveal flawed characters whose imperfection will remind you of your friends (and maybe even you.)
  4. Offer chewy insights about life.
  5. Might show you how to be a better friend (With Friends like These)…
  6. or how to live more fully in the present (The Late, Lamented Molly Marx)…and
  7. give you the inside-baseball of how a magazine runs (Little Pink Slips)
  8. Are excellent book club fodder, especially With Friends like These and The Late, Lamented Molly Marx
  9. Are built on the infrastructure of a mystery (The Late, Lamented Molly Marx) although the real mystery isn’t whodonit.
  10. Explore emotions associated with motherhood (The Late, Lamented Molly Marx and With Friends like These)
  11. Might teach you a Yiddish word or two,
  12. Yet always include references to the Midwest.
  13. May look like chick lit, but aren’t.



SALLY KOSLOW is the author of The Late, Lamented Molly Marx and Little Pink Slips. Her essays have been published in More, The New York Observer, and O, The Oprah Magazine, among other publications. She was the editor in chief of both McCall’s and Lifetime, was an editor at Mademoiselle and Woman’s Day, and has taught creative writing at the Writing Institute of Sarah Lawrence College. Her latest release is With Friends Like These. The mother of two sons, she lives in New York City with her husband. You can visit Sally Koslow’s website at www.sallykoslow.com. 

Read an Excerpt!

Chapter One

“A fax hit my desk for an apartment that isn’t officially listed yet–you must see it immediately.” Horton’s voice was broadcasting an urgency reserved for hurricane evacuation. But in 2007, anyone who’d ever beaten the real estate bushes would be suspicious of a broker displaying even an atom of passivity. Shoppers of condos and co-ops in Manhattan and the leafier regions of Brooklyn knew they had to learn the art of the pounce: see, gulp, bid. Save the pros and cons for picking a couch. Several times a week Horton e-mailed me listings, but rarely did he call. This had to be big. “Where is it?” I asked while I finished my lukewarm coffee.

“Central Park West.” Horton identified a stone pile known by its name, the Eldorado, referring to a mythical kingdom where the tribal chief had the habit of dusting himself with gold, a commodity familiar to most of the apartment building’s inhabitants—marquee actors, eminent psychotherapists, and large numbers of frumps who were simply lucky. With twin towers topped by Flash Gordon finials, the edifice lorded it over a gray-blue reservoir, the park’s largest body of water, and cast a gimlet eye toward Fifth Avenue.

“I couldn’t afford that building,” I said. If Horton was trying to game me into spending more than our budget allowed, he’d fail. While the amount of money Jake and I had scraped together for a new home seemed huge to us–representing the sale of our one-bedroom in Park Slope, an inheritance from my mom, and the proceeds from seeing one of my books linger on the bestseller list–other brokers had none too politely terminated the conversation as soon as I quoted our allotted sum. What I liked about Horton was that hewas dogged, he was hungry, and he was the only real estate agent returning my calls.

“That’s the beauty part,” he said, practically singing. “You, Quincy Blue, can afford this apartment.” He named a figure. We could, just. “What’s the catch?” In my experience, deals that sounded too good to be true were–like the brownstone I’d seen last week that lacked not only architectural integrity but functional plumbing.

“It’s a fixer-upper,” Horton admitted. “Listen, I can go to the second name on my list.”

“I’ll see you in twenty minutes,” I said, hitting “save” on my manuscript. I was currently the ghostwriter for Maizie May, one of Hollywood’s interchangeable blow-dried blondes with breasts larger than their brain. While she happened to be inconveniently incarcerated in Idaho rehab, allowed only one sound bite of conversation with me per week, my publisher’s deadline, three months away, continued to growl. I hid my hair under a baseball cap and laced my sneakers. Had Jake seen me, he would have observed that I looked very West Side; my husband was fond of pointing out our neighborhood’s inverse relationship between apartment price and snappy dress. As I walked east I called him, but his cell phone was off. Jake’s flight to Chicago must be late.

Racing down Broadway, I allowed myself a discreet ripple of anticipation. Forget the Yankees. Real estate would always be New York City’s truest spectator sport, and I was no longer content to cheer from the bleachers. Two years ago, my nesting hormones had kicked in and begun to fiercely multiply, with me along for the ride. We were eager to escape from our current sublet near Columbia University. I longed to be dithering over paint colors–Yellow Lotus or Pale Straw; flat, satin, or eggshell–and awash in fabric swatches. I coveted an office that was bigger than a coffee table book and a dining table that could accommodate all ten settings of my wedding china. I wanted a real home. I’d know it when I saw it.

Horton, green-eyed, cleft-chinned–handsome if you could overlook his devotion to argyle–stood inside the building’s revolving door. “The listing broker isn’t here yet,” he said, “but you can get a sense of the lobby.” A doorman tipped his capped head and motioned us toward armchairs upholstered in a tapestry of tasteful, earthy tones. Horton unfurled a floor plan.

I’d become a quick study of such documents. “It’s only a two-bedroom,” I said, feeling the familiar disappointment that had doused the glow of previous apartment visits. Was the fantasy of three bedrooms asking too much for a pair of industrious adults more than twelve years past grad school? Jake was a lawyer. I had a master’s in English literature. Yet after we’d been outbid nine times, Jake and I had accepted the fact that in this part of town, two bedrooms might be as good as it would get.

“This isn’t any two-bedroom,” Horton insisted. “Look how grand the living room and dining room are.” Big enough for a party where Jake and I could reciprocate every invitation we’d received since getting married five years ago. “See?” he said, pulling out a hasty sketch and pointing. “Put a wall up to divide the dining room, which has windows on both sides, and create an entrance here. Third bedroom.” He was getting to how cheap the renovation would be when a tall wand of a woman tapped him on the shoulder.

“Fran!” Horton said as warmly as if she were his favorite grandmother, which she was old enough to be. “You’re looking well.”

The woman smiled and a feathering of wrinkles fanned her large blue eyes. The effect made me think that a face without this pattern was too dull. “Did you explain?” she said. Her voice was reedy, a piccolo that saw little use. She’d pulled her silver hair into a chignon and was enveloped in winter white, from a cape covering a high turtleneck to slim trousers that managed to be spotless, although they nearly covered her toes.

“We were getting to that, but first, please meet my client, Quincy Blue. Quincy, Frances Shelbourne of Shelbourne and Stone.”

I knew the firm. Frances and her sister Rose had tied up all the best West Side listings. I shook Fran Shelbourne’s hand, which felt not just creamy but delicately boned. She stared at my sneakers and jeans long enough for me to regret them, then turned her back and padded so soundlessly that I checked to see if she might be wearing slippers. No, ballerina flats. Across the lobby, elaborately filigreed elevator doors opened. Fran turned toward Horton and me and with the briefest arch of one perfectly plucked eyebrow implored us to hurry. When the doors shut, she spoke softly, although we were alone. “The owner’s a dear friend,” she said. “Eloise Walter, the anthropologist.” She waited for me to respond. “From the Museum of Natural History?”

I wondered if I was supposed to know the woman’s body of work and bemoaned the deficiency of my Big Ten education.

“Dr. Walter is in failing health,” she continued, shaking her head. “This is why we won’t schedule an open house.” Every Sunday from September through May, hopeful buyers, like well-trained infantry, traveled the open-house circuit. Jake and I had done our sweaty time, scurrying downtown, uptown, across, and down again, with as many as a dozen visits in a day. Soon enough, we began seeing the same hopeful buyers–the Filipino couple, the three-hundred-pound guy who had the face of a baby, a pair of six-foot-tall redheaded teenage twins who spoke a middle-European tongue. By my fifth Sunday, in minutes I could privately scoff at telltale evidence of dry rot. Silk curtains draped as cunningly as a sari could not distract me from a sunless air shaft a few feet away, nor could lights of megawatt intensity seduce me into forgetting that in most of these apartments I would instantly suffer from seasonal affective disorder.

“You’ll be the first person to see this one,” Horton added by way of a bonus. I could feel the checkbook in my bag coming alive like Mickey’s broom in Fantasia.

When we stepped out of the elevator on the fourteenth floor, Mrs. Shelbourne gently knocked on a metal door that would look at home in any financial institution. From the other side, a floor creaked. A nurse in thick-soled shoes answered and raised an index finger to her lips, casting her eyes toward a shadowy room beyond. The scent of urine–human, feline, or both–crept into my nostrils, followed by a top note of mango air freshener. “Doctor’s sleeping.” My eyes strained to scan a wide room where old-fashioned blinds were drawn against the noon sun. An elderly woman, her hair scant and tufted, was folded into a wheelchair like a rag doll, despite pillows bolstering her skeletal frame. Dr. Walter looked barely alive. Mrs. Shelbourne placed her hand on my arm. “We shouldn’t stay long in this room. I’m sure you understand. Alzheimer’s.”

“I do–too well,” I said, rapidly beholding the high ceiling and dentil moldings, while memories of my mother, scrupulously archived yet too fresh to examine, begged for consideration. I pushed them away even as my mind catalogued herringbone floors withan intricate walnut border and the merest wink of a crystal chandelier. Mrs. Shelbourne grasped my arm and we hurried into a small, dark kitchen with wallpaper on which hummingbirds had enjoyed a sixty-year siesta. In front of the sink, which faced a covered window, linoleum had worn bare. There were scratched metal cabinets and no dishwasher, and I suspected the stove’s birth date preceded my own. I thought of my unfinished chapter, and cursed my wasted time.

Halfheartedly I lifted a tattered shade. “Holy cow,” I said, though only to myself. Sun reflected off the park’s vast reservoir, which appeared so close I thought I could stand on the ledge and swan-dive into its depth. Far below, I could see tree tops, lush as giant broccoli. The traffic was a distant buzz. I felt a tremor. The subway, stories below? No, my heart. Picking up my pace, I followed the brokers through the spacious dining room and down a hall where I counted off six closets. I peeked into a bathroom tiled in a vintage mosaic of the sort decorators encourage clients to re-create at vast expense. We passed through a starlet-worthy dressing room and entered a bedroom into which I could easily tuck my current, rented apartment, with enough space to spare for a study. As Mrs. Shelbourne pulled the hardware on draperies bleached of color, I could swear that a strobe had begun to pulse. From the corner of my eye I saw a black cat slink away while Horton kicked a dust bunny under the bed, but I took little note of either. As I stood by the window, I was gooey with the feeling I’d experienced when I first laid eyes on the Grand Canyon.

The silvery vista spread casually before me might be the most enchanted in the entire city. I closed my eyes, traveling through time. Women were skating figure eights in red velvet cloaks, their hands warmed by ermine muffs. Bells jingled in the evergreen-scentedair as horses waited patiently by sleighs. I blinked again and the maidens wore organdy, their porcelain skin dewy under the parasols shielding their intricate curls. I fast-forwarded to my girlhood and could imagine the large, glassy pond below was the crystal stream beside my grandparents’ log-hewn cabin in Wisconsin’s northern woods, the bone-chilling waters of Scout camp, perhaps Lake Como of my honeymoon scrapbook.

Beside this champagne view, the fifty-four other apartments I’d considered seemed like cheap house wine, including the possibilities that cost far more–almost every one. I pulled myself away from the window and looked back. Walls were no longer hung with faded diplomas, nor was the carpet worn thin. Mirroring the reservoir, the room had turned gray-blue. I saw myself writing at a desk by the window, lit by sunbeams, words spilling out so fast my fingers danced on the keyboard like Rockettes. This time my manuscript wasn’t a twenty-year-old singer-actress’ whiny rant. It was a novel, lauded by the critics and Costco customers alike.

I could see myself in this room. My face wore deep contentment. The bed was luxuriously rumpled, since a half hour earlier Jake and I had made love, and now he was brewing coffee in our brand-new kitchen, as sleekly designed as a sperm. Perhaps he’d already gone out to bike around the park or was walking our shelter-rescued puppy. Tallulah, the little rascal, loved to chase her ball down our twenty-foot hall.

In every way, I was home. Then I snapped out of it. I was wearing my real estate heart on my sleeve, all but drooling. Quincy Blue, you dumb cluck. I sensed Horton looking at me as if he were a cannibal in need of protein, and checked to see if he and Fran had excused themselves to decide whether they should triple the apartment’s price or merely double it. We walked past another bathroom, this one housing a tub as long as a rowboat, ambled back through the dim hallway, and ended in the living room.

“The view’s even better from here–a pity we can’t pull up the shades,” Mrs. Shelbourne whispered as she walked toward the statue slumping in the wheelchair and greeted her. “Hello, Eloise dear.” She took the woman’s listless hand. “It’s Frances. I wish you could sit at that piano”–she pointed to a piece of shrouded furniture–”and play me Chopin.”

The woman emitted a dry rattle, craned her neck toward Mrs. Shelbourne, and smiled. She was missing several teeth.

“If you wish,” she said clearly. Suddenly Dr. Walter tried to raise herself in the wheelchair. “If you would be so kind as to assist me.” The nurse lumbered to her side. On her aide’s sturdy arm, Dr. Walter walked toward the piano, her posture better than my own. She settled on the cracked black leather stool and stretched her knobby fingers. I covered my mouth with my hands, afraid I might gasp. Her hands fondled the ivories and began to play an unmistakable Chopin mazurka. The Steinway was out of tune andthe pianist wore a faded housecoat, but Dr. Walter’s rendition pleased her audience to the point that even Horton was wiping away tears. The concert continued for almost twenty minutes and then, as if someone had pulled a plug, the pianist’s hands froze. Like a small child, she looked around the room, confused. I was afraid she, too, might cry.

We clapped. “That was exquisite,” Mrs. Shelbourne said hoarsely as the nurse helped her patient back to the wheelchair. “Simply exquisite.”

Dr. Walter closed her eyes and in less than a minute was sleeping. Mrs. Shelbourne thanked the nurse and hurried Horton and me to the elevator. I waited for his chatter, but it was she who spoke. “Tell me your story. I can see from your face that you have one.” She looked at me as if she were the dean of women.