Tag Archive | Pump Up Your Book Promotion virtual book tours

West Oversea: A Norse Saga of Mystery, Adventur and Faith – by author Lars Walker

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Join Lars Walker, author of the Christian Norse adventure novel, West Oversea: A Norse Saga of Mystery, Adventure and Faith (Nordskog Publishing, Inc.), as he virtually tours the blogosphere in October on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book.

About Lars Walker

Lars (pronounced Larce) Walker is a native of Kenyon, Minnesota, and lives in Minneapolis. He has worked as a crabmeat packer in Alaska, a radio announcer, a church secretary and an administrative assistant, and is presently librarian and bookstore manager for the schools of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations in Plymouth, Minnesota. He is the author of four previously published novels, and is the editor of the journal of the Georg Sverdrup Society. Walker says, “I never believed that God gave me whatever gifts I have in order to entertain fellow Christians. I want to confront the world with the claims of Jesus Christ.” His latest release is West Oversea: A Norse Saga of Mystery, Adventure and Faith. Visit Lars online at www.larswalker.com/

 and his blog at www.brandywinebooks.net/


About West Oversea

In this Viking adventure tale, Erling Skjalgsson valiantly relinquishes his power and lands rather than be dishonorable to his evil brother. Supported by a well-drawn cast of characters, Skjalgsson sets sail for uncharted vistas with Greenland as the ultimate destination. The first leg of their voyage takes them to a newly settled Iceland. A dangerous storm blows the adventurers off-course where they encounter new peril with the wild lands and peoples of North America. Meanwhile, Erling’s Irish priest, Father Aillil, on a quest to rescue his enslaved sister, wrestles with a secret dark power that threatens to destroy them all. West Oversea is set against the historical and dramatic Eleventh century backdrop of a Norway in flux as pagan Norwegians are converted to Christianity—sometimes by force.

Here’s what critics are saying about West Oversea!

“…I found West Oversea to be a worthy continuation of the Erling Saga. The book reads so fast that when it’s done, the reader is left both satisfied with the ending and still longing for the story to continue.” –Darwin Garrison, Fort Wayne, IN “West Oversea is a fantastic book and deserves to be one of many in a long series….This broadly researched Viking adventure is written within a beautifully rich framework. It is like an actor who does not break his character, even when everyone else goes off-script.” –Phil Wade, brandywinebooks.net

The Missing Keys to Thriving in any Real Estate Market – author interview – Eddie Godshalk

The_Missing_KeysPaperback Writer spotlights author, Eddie Godshalk on his non-fiction real estate investment book, The Missing Keys to Thriving in Any Real Estate Market (AVIVA Publishing, June 2009

About the Book:

“The Missing Keys to Thriving in Any Real Estate Market – How to Create Wealth in Any Community Using Street Analysis Technology”

It is risk reduction blueprint for Investors and Real Estate professionals who want to be experts in their local market and make more sales. Readers will learn how to and where to get current accurate info and not be mislead by the media and create wealth using break-through mapping technology.

The housing crisis and financial crisis was caused by a lack of current local information. Just ask your broker or banker, what was the job growth or migration in my Zip Code (or any Zip Code) last month or quarter, and see what they say. More importantly, ask them how will these variables, or any other micro-market variable, affect price changes in the future. And see what they say.

I am a leading authority on current, local real estate info. And author of “The Missing Keys to Thriving in Any Real Estate Market”. My competition is Case-Shiller, which you can buy for a min of $250 for a few counties at Economy.com. And only covers macro markets, which has HUGE errors at the micro-market and block level. Consumers, investors, and bankers, all can benefit with current local information and forecasts, and thus, make more profits.

To find out more go to http://www.homevaluepredictor.com/

THE MISSING KEYS TO THRIVING IN ANY REAL ESTATE MARKET BLOG TOUR ’09 You can visit Eddie’s blog stops at http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com/

The Pyewiz and The Amazing Mobile Phone – Author Interview – Herbert Howard Jones

HHJPaperback Writer would like to introduce our author for today Herbert Howard Jones, author of The Pyewiz and the Amazing Mobile Phone. Herbert is on his first book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion and as part of his virtual book tour you have a chance to win prizes.

WIN PRIZES As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors’ blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available.

ABOUT THE BOOK: Journey to a frozen planet to find a long lost twin an amazing crystal phone with incredible powers and a cunning old pirate wizard who must be stopped.

Schoolboy Terry Mctrain thinks the new tenant in his parent’s guesthouse is strange. Stranger still is the reason why she is here. Then Terry learns about a twin brother he never knew he had, kidnapped by a pirate wizard years ago. Baffled by all this, Terry realizes there’s a mystery to be solved, and a secret to be uncovered. But when he discovers that the fate of the world is also in his hands, he wonders..

Could this turn into the adventure of a lifetime?

Perhaps, but unless Terry and his friend Will travel to the other side of the solar system to solve this puzzle there’s a danger that the world would be destroyed, and his twin brother lost forever.

Hi, Herbert Howard Jones,

Welcome to Paperback Writer

Q: Will you share with us how you came up with the idea for this book?
A: Thank you for asking me. But unfortunately, there was nothing profound about the stimulus for my book, which came quite unexpectedly, early one afternoon, in the form of a workman that I had employed to remove some junk. But it was his manner, the way he held himself, his appearance, his aura, which reeked of the sea and planted the thought of The Pyewiz in my head! He was the very incarnation of a fictitious character yet to be born on paper. He had two help mates with him, Terry and Will, and they too became the young protagonists in my swashbuckling adventure. I also borrowed ideas from Tolkien, but not too blatantly that you would notice. But he did invent the ultimate adventure travelogue, and I used this format in my book. I also wanted to write the book as a kind of cathartic therapy and see what I would come up with.

Q: Do you plan your stories first with an outline or does it come to you as write it?
A: I think that it is essential to have an outline, and then fill in the details as you go along. Once you know what your parameters are, you know when you are out of bounds. I believe that it keeps everything tight and under control.

Q: Do you know the end of the story at the beginning?
A: The end of the book is surely the back story, isn’t it? The book in hand is the sequel to the back story! First you work out the character’s motivations and reasons for their actions, and then you tuck this away somewhere, and start work on your novel, which deliberately leaves out these very elements. Then at the end of the book, you tack on the back story. So you really have to know the end, even before you get to work on the book itself. Well for certain types of fiction, anyway. But if you don’t keep your readers guessing, which is what this method achieves, then you may as well stick to writing letters!

Q: Do you have a process for developing your characters?
A: The J.R Rowling method is the best in my view. She kept note books, and wrote notes about them, what they looked like, what they wore, and what their general preferences were. She built up a character dossier, and got to know her characters so well that she knew how they would behave in any situation. This gave her characters consistency and believability. I use this method myself. But it also helps to draw a little picture or caricature of them too. Then there really is no going back. The character springs to life and there is nothing you can do about it, other than finish the story. Because obviously, it is the characters who are the true authors of your tale.

Q: It is said that authors write themselves into their characters. Is there any part of you in your characters and what they would be?
A: Yep, I’m Terry! I felt closer to this character than any of the others. I could never be the Pyewiz. The guy’s karma would freak me out for one thing!

Q: What is your most favorite part about this book?
A: The Pyewiz conducts mock war games to keep his crew on their toes. Terry and Will find themselves getting enmeshed in this. They manage to commandeer one of the galleons and play loud rock music over the PA system! I thought this might tickle some readers.

Q: When in the process of writing your book did you begin to look for a publisher?
A: At the end of the project, which probably isn’t the wisest thing to do. But I hate the idea of writing story proposals. I don’t think I could cope with the pressure if one of them was taken up.

Q: What struggles have you had on the road to being published?
A: The usual round of rejections, bouts of self doubt, envy of those who are published, tendency to subscribe to conspiracy theories about the industry, formation of sweat beads on forehead when opening agent’s letters, nightmares, inane looping of self-talk; was it the folder? Yes it was the folder; I knew I shouldn’t have used that yellow folder with the Homer Simpson logo on it! Rollercoaster’s have an easier time! Aside from all that, there is a feeling that the industry is oversubscribed, and that it would doing agents a big favour if people stopped writing books for a while. I also don’t think it’s healthy for authors to get too wrapped up in their brainchild. I think you have to distance yourself emotionally from it, and at an appropriate time, let it go! The mental, emotional and physical struggles of an author are truly the struggles of the damned.

Q: What has been the best part about being published?
A: The reaction of people around me. I have been invited to quite a few dinner parties since getting into print. Also, I’d say handling the book for the first time in the knowledge that the British Museum has a policy of keeping a copy in their archives. Well, they used to, and it’s a damn nice thought!

Q: What do you want readers to remember and carry with them after reading your novel?
A: I want them to say to them, ‘I can’t wait for the movie’. No, seriously, I want them to think fondly of The Pyewiz, despite his failings as a human being. And I hope this doesn’t sound big headed, but it is surely ever writers dream to have their characters creep into twenty-first century culture as mini icons of sorts. If not, my book is big enough to be used as a door stop! Either way I can’t loose!

Q: Do you have plans to write another book?
A: Well I’ve set myself a target of writing 500 pages a year, which equates to two books year. At the present time I am writing the sequel to my first book, entitled, The Pyewiz and The Sons of Terrafirma, and I’m tapping out my first occult thriller about an unusual archaeological find which has curious implications for the heroine of the story.

Q: Would you care to share with us how the virtual book tour experience with Pump up Your Book Promotion has been for you?
A: Simply thrilling! It is also a great honour to be on the same promotional pages as Barry Eisler and Jamie Ford! These guys really are the top guns, and so with any luck some of their talent will rub off on me! And by way of a quick infomercial, let me tell all authors out there to immediately down tools and sign up with Dorothy Thompson’s agency right now! Pumpupyourbookpromotion has to be the best value for money PR outfit on the internet. I’m happy because there are already there are over 18,600 listings for the word ‘Pyewiz’ on Yahoo, and it is all down to Dorothy Thompson. I even made the Chicago Times and libreria universitaria! Thank you Dorothy and partners!! Also, it really is fun to be given carte blanche to write anything you like and have it posted on all these sympathetic blogs. I’ve really indulged myself. If Dorothy will have me again, I’ll sign up with her like a shot.

Q: Where can readers find a copy of your book?
A: From Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk also Amazon.com.jp (I do actually have a Japanese character in the story), Barnesandnoble.com, Powells.com. Whsmiths.com, to name but a few.

Q: Do you have a website for readers to go to?
A: Yes indeed, http://www.science-fiction-fanatsy.com and http://www.solarsystemtales.com

Thank you, Herbert Howard Jones for sharing your book and characters with us today. It has been a pleasure and I hope you have had a successful virtual book tour.

Thank you Rebecca for taking such a kind interest in my work.

THE PYEWIZ AND THE AMAZING MOBILE PHONE VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR ’09 will officially begin on May 4 and end on June 26. You can visit Howard’s blog stops at http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in May and June to find out more about this talented author!

The Pyewiz and the Amazing Mobile Phone banner

On My Own Now: Straight Talk from Proverbs – Author Interview – Donna Lee Schillinger

on_my_own_now_coverPaperback Writer welcomes our author for today, Donna Lee Schillinger, author of the nonfiction Christian Living book, On My Own Now: Straight Talk from the Proverbs for Young Christian Women who Want to Remain Pure, Debt-free and Regret-free (Quilldriver, April 2009). Donna comes to us from Pump Up Your Book Promotion on her first virtual book tour.

ABOUT THE BOOK: Freedom! Finally, life on my own!”

Excited about making your mark on the world, living life on your own terms and eating ice cream for dinner if you want? Being on your own is so great, but when the decisions get a little more difficult than “Do I wash a black-and-white striped shirt with whites or colors?”, this little book will be invaluable.

On My Own Now shows you how to apply biblical wisdom of the ages to choosing everything from friends to underwear; exercising and exorcising (ooh, creepy); juggling commitments and balancing bills; taking mom and dad for all they’re worth (er, uh, we mean like taking their advice and stuff); and waiting, dating and maybe someday mating.

On My Own Now is about strengthening young women’s faith and preventing the screw-ups that can brand us for life. Donna Lee Schillinger draws on her eclectic past as a rebellious youth, Peace Corps volunteer, social worker, single mother, court mediator and executive director of a home for single young mothers.

She uses gender-reversed Proverbs with real-life applications to wave the red flag of caution for young women, warning against the pitfalls of a post-modern, sexually casual, consumer-is-king society that is indelibly scarring youth with cynicism, sexually transmitted diseases and bad credit.

This compact collection of quirky vignettes is great for daily devotions, affirmations, confessions, benedictions and many other religious “tions,” all with the goal of keeping you on the yellow brick road. After all, you’re not in Kansas anymore – you’re on your own now (unless you live in Kansas, then you would still be in Kansas


Hi Donna Schillinger,
Welcome to Paperback Writer.

Would you share with us how you came up with the idea for your book?
I was 40 (just a few years ago) and I was reading Proverbs. When I was a teenager, I used to read Proverbs religiously (no pun intended). I latched on to some key verses, but to be honest, I didn’t really believe that most of the Proverbs applied to me and my life.

In retrospect, when I realized how much my errant youth could have benefited from some straight talk from the Proverbs, the first thing that occurred to me was that I needed to find a way to convey the importance of the Proverbs for a regret-free life to my own daughter, who at the time was 10. The idea grew from a sort of Proverbs scrapbook from mother to daughter in to On My Own Now, the book and the organization.

Was it a light bulb moment or something that you thought about for a very long time? It was a light bulb moment for the original idea, but then it became a book idea over a period of months.

How did you come up with the title?
Very anticlimactic answer: I don’t remember!

How did you find an agent and publisher?
I didn’t even look for one. I already had a small publishing company (I have two other titles by another author), so it just made sense to me to publish the book myself. Authors have to do so much promotion, especially when they’re first-time unknown authors, that in my case, what a publisher could really do for me, the editing, proofing, typesetting, distribution, just didn’t seem like much compared to what I would have to do for myself in terms of marketing to make the title a success. I also like the idea of control over the project and keeping the profits.

Who reads your work in progress?
Whoever volunteers. I’m not terribly secretive about my work, but I don’t go out seeking reviewers either. If someone volunteers to read the book, I love to have their perspective.

Who made a difference in the book’s quality?
My sister gave me some great feedback from the perspective of Christian women who might read the book and feel like, “It’s too late for me – I’ve already screwed up too much.” And Donna Partow, a Christian author, told me candidly that my cover looked home-grown. Yet, I kept hearing the same thing from all the young people I showed it to – I like it! I didn’t give up on the cover concept, but it caused the designer and me to take a hard look at how we could improve it. I came to terms with the front not appealing to 40 somethings and instead, we reworked the back cover so that it would appeal to Mom or Grandma who picks up the book as a possible gift for her special young woman.

How long did it take you to complete the first draft?
I worked on the manuscript five mornings a week, for an hour or two at a time for a period of about 18 months.

How long did it take from start to publication?
It took about another 18 months to reach the publication date – April Fool’s Day, 2009. Doing it through my own company, one would think I could have sped up that preparation time, but reality looked a little something like this: bread and butter job has a looming deadline, baby has a dirty diaper and wants attention, husband has homework to do for his master’s degree, daughter has a soccer game today, etc.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t wait on your publisher to make the splash. If you have a contract, start now to promote your book by setting up a Web site or blogging – even if your publisher says they are going to do that for you. Use social networking. Lastly, get over the pain of having to self-promote. You didn’t write this book to have it die in obscurity. Whether or not it does, it’s up to you, not the publisher.

Thank you, Donna, for stopping by Paperback Writer on your virtual book tour. I wish you continued success through the rest of your tour.

ON MY OWN NOW VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR ’09 officially begin on April 1 and end on April 30. You can visit Donna’s blog stops at http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com/ in March to find out more about this great book and talented author!

The Losing Game: Why You Can’t Beat Wall Street – Author Interview – T.E. Scott and Stephen Edds


Paperback Writer welcomes T.E. Scott and Stephen Edds, co-authors of the business/personal finance book, The Losing Game: Why You Can’t Beat Wall Street (Hidden Truth Publishing), as they virtually tour the blogosphere in April on their first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion!


About the Book:

T.E. Scott exposes the stock market and commodity markets for what they really are — brilliantly marketed rip-offs. The Losing Game simplifies a very complex system that Wall Street has designed to separate the masses from their money without accountability or prosecution. As a result of this design, they have tricked us into believing that the stock market and commodity markets are something they are not.

Wall Street is fleecing millions of Americans every day with brokerage houses, Congress and the media as willing accomplices. With their help, the American public is fooled into thinking that investing is safe and convinced that, if they’re smart and listen to the right people, they can accumulate wealth quickly. And when we fail, our tax money bails them out.




Welcome to Paperback Writer.


Would you share with us how you came up with the idea for your book? 


I kept seeing the little-guys get manipulated by Wall Street, and large publicly traded companies bully around private companies, and thought it was time for someone to expose the true nature of Wall Street. I decided about five years ago to write a book detailing how investing in Wall Street is a minus-sum game, and how Wall Street has marketed themselves as a safe risk for your retirement, as opposed to a rigged casino, which I believe without a doubt it is.


Since I’m not a writer by nature, and since Wall Street is such a complex system by their design, it took a while to get a coherent and easy-to-read version ready to print. With the help of Stephen Edds, who knew how to translate my vision onto the page, we were able to get the book published and released.


Was it a light bulb moment or something that you thought about for a very long time?


Well, I had this rolling around in my head for over 20 years, and kept investigating and thinking about how Wall Street was structured. I kept coming to the conclusion that Wall Street was not designed to help average Americans, and the entire system itself is shrouded in secrecy.


How did you come up with the title?


Well, the name was discussed and debated for a while with several variations of the same theme, but When Stephen Edds came up with the “snake eyes” dice idea for the cover, “The Losing Game” fit the concept the best.


How did you find an agent and publisher?


Well, we knew no agent or mainstream publisher was going to touch this topic, especially from a retired entrepreneur in Indiana. We decided to create our own publishing company and handle all of the distribution, printing and marketing ourselves.


Stephen Edds has been essential in facilitating the day-to-day operations of printing and promoting the book.  


Who reads your work in progress?


We had several family and friends read various drafts of the book in order to give us feedback on the flow and the readability of the copy.


Who made a difference in the book’s quality?


We were smart enough to bring in outside help, like 1106 Design and The Cadence Group to help with layout, design, book cover design, editing and securing distribution rights.


One thing I would certainly recommend is to use experts when it comes to book design, and don’t trust people who don’t have specific experience in the publishing field.


How long did it take you to complete the first draft?


Before Stephen came on board, I had various drafts floating around for about five years, none of which I was satisfied with.


With Stephen’s help, we were able to get the first draft done in about seven months. The drafts undertook various changes, but the essential format remained.


How long did it take from start to publication?


From the moment Stephen came on board, it took about 10 months for the original version to come out. However, after three months, we decided to completely change the title and cover, and that process took an additional three months.


I come from a manufacturing background, and things move fast in our industry. I was not prepared for the “glacier pace” of the publishing industry. 


Do you have any advice for new authors?


The book publishing industry is unlike anything I have ever encountered. I would advise patience and a very good editor, because no matter how strong your book is, typos will kill the credibility of the book with a large group of people.


My other piece of advice is to self-publish and be ready to work your tail off to market and promote your book.


Thank you, T.E. Scott for stopping by Paperback Writer on your virtual book tour. I wish you continued success through the rest of you tour.


Thank you for the opportunity to appear on your blog. I wouldn’t be doing my job of I didn’t mention that “The Losing Game: Why You Can’t Beat Wall Street” is available at all major online outlets, including Amazon.com, and at major bookstores nationwide. If they don’t have it in stock, have them order it for you.



THE LOSING GAME VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR ’09 will officially begin on April 1 and end on April 30. You can visit the authors’ blog stops at www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in April to find out more about this talented author!

As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors’ blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available.


Axe of Iron: The Settlers – author interview – J.A. Hunsinger

axe-of-ironPaperback Writer welcomes author J.A. Hunsinger, author of the historical fiction novel, Axe of Iron: The Settlers (Vinland Publishing, Aug. ’08), as he chats with us today on his virtual book tour.


As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors’ blog stops.


The first novel of a continuing character-driven tale of a medieval people whose wanderlust and yearning for adventure cause them to leave the two established settlements on Greenland and sail west, to the unexplored land later referred to as Vinland.

Eirik the Red established Eiriksfjord in 986 and later Lysufjord, 400-miles to the north. Just 22-years later, new settlers from the homelands found all the best land already occupied, the fragile Arctic environment strained by too many people and animals on too little arable land.

Under the capable leadership of Halfdan Ingolfsson and his lieutenant, Gudbjartur Einarsson, 315 men, women, and children set sail from Greenland in the spring of 1008, bound for the unexplored continent across the western ocean.

Standing in their way are uncounted numbers of indigenous people, the pre-historical ancestors of the Cree (Naskapi), Ojibwa (Anishinabeg), and Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Indians. From the outset, these native people strenuously resist the incursion of these tall, pale-skinned invaders.

Two calamitous events occur that pave the way for the hostile beginnings of an assimilation process to occur between these disparate peoples. The way is rocky and fraught with danger at every turn, but the acceptance and friendship that develops between the Northmen and the Naskapi over an affair of honor, the eventual acceptance of a young boy of the Northmen by his Haudenosaunee captors, and a scenario that seems ordained by the will of the gods, makes it all begin to fall into place, as it must for the Northmen to survive.

See the saga unfold, in this first book of the Axe of Iron series, through the eyes of the characters as each day brings a continuation of the toil, love, hardship, and danger that they come to expect in this unforgiving new land.


Hi J. A. (Jerry) Hunsinger,

Welcome to Paperback Writer

Thank you very much it is my pleasure.

Q: Will you share with us how you came up with the idea for this book?

A: Yes, I have had a lifelong infatuation with the Vikings of medieval Greenland. After reading everything available, one is left with a nagging question. What happened to them? It is difficult to study them because they wrote nothing down. Everything we know comes from archaeological research and the Norse sagas. The Saga of the Greenlanders and Eirik the Red’s Saga both tell stories about them, although centuries after the fact, but we know nothing about the people themselves. I decided to tell their tale using fiction because I wanted to convey to my readers what a lifetime of research has led me to believe regarding the abandonment of the two known Norse settlements on Greenland and the disappearance from history of every single settler. Nobody ever saw them again and nobody knows to this day, what happened to them. In spinning my Axe of Iron series of tales, I give my characters personalities, to make them as we are. No other author has ever told their story as I do.

Q: Do you plan your stories first with an outline or does it come to you as write it?

No, I do not outline. I write from copious notes and files and I relate the story as it occurs to me.

Q: Do you know the end of the story at the beginning?

A: Yes, I have the entire series in my mind. Each book is a continuation of the preceding, the story is contiguous, and the characters are generational, just as we are.

Q: Do you have a process for developing your characters?

A: Of course, the characters are members of disparate cultures and they become a part of the tale as the story proceeds. Their individual personalities then manifest themselves as they would if we were meeting them in contemporary life, or at least that is my intent.

Q: It is said that authors write themselves into their characters. Is there any part of you in your characters and what they would be?

A: Yes, I am there, but I cannot tell you which character nor can I tell you how it happened. I do not want to have a net thrown over me.  I can tell you that it was not intentional, it just happened.

Q: What is your most favorite part about this book?

A: That is a tough one. Truthfully, I am so involved in this tale, all of it, that it has almost taken me over mentally. I would have to say that I do not have a favorite part. Rather, I love the tale, all of it.

Q: When in the process of writing your book did, you begin to look for a publisher?

A: I had a completed manuscript. It had been professionally edited, rewritten, edited, rewritten, etc, until it was as good as our collective efforts could make it. After that point, I spent a full year submitting to literary agents.

Q: What struggles have you had on the road to being published?

A:It is a long, arduous journey. I think this material from an article that I wrote might provide some of the answers: Believe it or not, writing your book is only the beginning. With a final draft of your manuscript in hand, it is time to query. Famous people query with a proposal before writing the book. I will assume that you are not yet famous. As an author, you cannot deal directly with one of the large publishing houses, so your next challenge is to interest a literary agent in your work. If you find a literary agent, your relationship will be contractual. Do nothing with anyone without a contract. Fully understand your part of the contract before signing or hire an attorney versed in literary contracts to help you understand. There are numerous listings of literary agents on the Internet. Research each agent for their submission guidelines, select those receptive to your genre, be certain that they are accepting submissions, submit only what they require, and never send an unsolicited manuscript, they will not read it. Your literary agent will handle your contractual relationship with a publisher; they are your agent acting in your behalf.
If you are fortunate enough to become a published author through the literary agent/publisher/reader sequence of progression, congratulations, you have hit the big time. Your publisher will handle all the details of composition/format, cover design, printing/binding, fulfillment/marketing, and warehouse/distribution, leaving you free to crank out books. You will have little or no input regarding any of the production aspects of your book, nor will you retain any rights other than copyright. The publisher will own the ISBN and all future negotiations for anything concerning that work will be through, or with the permission of, the publisher.
Okay, you have spent a year submitting to literary agents without results. If you have not completely lost interest in publishing your work, you are left with publishing it yourself, e.g. self-publishing or becoming an independent publisher. A self-published author has hired a publishing company to publish a book, surrendering all rights save copyright. An independent publisher has formed a small company and gone through the process from copyright to a finished book ready for the market. That author owns all rights to the book because often the author and the publishing company are one and the same. Books are produced and marketed by an independent publisher working closely with a large full service book production facility such as BookMasters, Ashland, OH, where everything is done in house.

Q: What has been the best part about being published?

A: Recognition for completion of a very difficult task would have to rank right up there. There is only one first novel for an author. After that one is published, the follow-on books should become easier as your knowledge of the business and writing skill level increases. At least that is my hope.

Q: What do you want readers to remember and carry with them after reading your novel?

A: I hope that they have become a part of the story, that they can live it as they read, and that they cannot wait to find out what happens to the people with whom they have bonded.

Q: Do you have plans to write another book?

A: Oh, yes. I hope to write down my whole story and live to see the Axe of Iron series readily accepted as engaging medieval historical fiction.

Q: Where can readers find a copy of your book?

A: My distributor, AtlasBooks, Amazon, 57 major outlets nationwide, and in Canada.

Q: Do you have a website for readers to go to?

A: Website: http://www.vinlandpublishing.com/. Where you can find several additional book purchase options, including print and electronic versions.
Blog: http://www.vinlandpublishing.blogspot.com

Thank you, Jerry for sharing your book and characters with us today. It has been a pleasure and I hope you have had a successful virtual book tour.

Thank you very much for this opportunity to interview with you and appear on your website.

AXE OF IRON VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR ’09 officially began on March 2 and will end on April 30. You can visit J.A’s blog stops at http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in March and April to find out more about this talented author!

A Pure Double Cross – Author Interview- John Knoerle

a-pure-doublecrossPaperback Writer is pleased to announce the visiting author for today is, John Knoerle. Author of Join John Knoerle, author of the mystery/thriller novel, A Pure Double Cross: Book One of the American Spy Trilogy (Blue Steel Press), on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion!

WIN PRIZES: As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors’ blog stops.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:John Knoerle’s first novel, “Crystal Meth Cowboys,” was optioned by Fox for a TV series. His second novel, “The Violin Player,” won the Mayhaven Award for Fiction. His new novel, “A Pure Double Cross,” is Book One of the American Spy Trilogy. John lives with his wife in Chicago. You can learn more about John Knoerle at http://www.bluesteelpress.com.

ABOUT THE BOOK:Cleveland, Ohio, 1945. Hal Schroeder returns from a two-year stint behind German lines as an undercover agent for the OSS. The horrors of war have left him bitter and cynical. He is recruited by the FBI to infiltrate a local mob that is pulling bank heists. The feds have concocted a sting operation to capture the head of the gang and they want Hal to execute it. He agrees. But Hal Schroeder is no longer interested in being a hero. Hal Schroeder is interested in a fat payday.

Hi John Knoerle,

Welcome to Paperback Writer

PBW: Will you share with us how you came up with the idea for this book, “A Pure Double Cross”?

JK: I read a book about the British intelligence service in World War II titled “The Double Cross System” by Sir John Masterman. It was fascinating, and inspired me explore the world, and the methods, of the double agent.

PBW: Do you plan your stories first with an outline or does it come to you as write it?

JK: Mysteries and thrillers, in my opinion, require an outline because the plot is so important.

PBW: Do you know the end of the story at the beginning?

JK: Yes.

PBW: Do you have a process for developing your characters?

JK: Nothing formulaic, though I might borrow physical characteristics and odd quirks from friends and family members.

PBW: It is said that authors write themselves into their characters. Is there any part of you in your characters and what they would be?

JK: The lead character, Hal Schroeder, is a wiseacre, just like me.

PBW: What is your most favorite part about this book?

JK: That’s like asking a parent which child they like best.

PBW: When in the process of writing your book did you begin to look for a publisher?

JK: I waited until the book was completed.

PBW: What do you want readers to remember and carry with them after reading your novel?

JK: There’s no deep-dish message, just a little rumination on the difference between trust and loyalty. Mostly I want readers to have fun.

PBW: Do you have plans to write another book?

JK: “A Despicable Profession: Book Two of the American Spy Trilogy” is already completed and will be published later this year or early next year. I’m at work on Book Three.

PBW: Where can readers find a copy of your book?

JK: It’s available at bookstores and Amazon.

PBW: Do you have a website for readers to go to?


Thank you, John, for sharing your book and characters with us today. It has been a pleasure and I hope you have had a successful virtual book tour.

A PURE DOUBLE CROSS VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR ’09 officially begin on March 2 and will end on March 27, ’09. You can visit John’s blog stops at http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in March to find out more about this talented author!


Rebel in Blue Jeans – Author Interview – Beverly Stowe McClure

rebelinbluejeans_cover1_webPaperback Writer would like to welcome Beverly Stowe McClure, author of the young adult novel, Rebel in Blue Jeans (Twilight Times Books, Oct ’08), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in January on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion!


As a special promotion for all our authors and commentors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comment on our authors’ blog stops. Your name will be entered into the raffle and a luck winner will receive a winners notice at the end of the month.

About the Book:

What’s a girl to do when her mother runs away with the drummer in a rock band, her friendly relationship with the boys on the neighboring ranch starts to change, and a handsome college guy takes an interest in her? Sixteen-year-old Rebel Ferguson faces these challenges with courage and humor and decides to do three things:
1. Bring her mother home where she belongs.
2. Show her neighbors, Will and Sully Garret, she’s not interested in a serious relationship with either of them.
3. Prove to the Garrets, and to herself, that Rick, the cute college guy, is a gentleman.
Nothing turns out the way Rebel plans, however, and she discovers that people are not always what they seem, and she’s a lousy judge of character. If only humans were as trustworthy and dependable as her puppies, cat, and horses. Can she forgive everyone who has disappointed her?

Hi Beverly,

Welcome to Paperback Writer

Thank you for inviting me. I’m happy to be here.

PBW: Will you share with us how you came up with the idea for this book?

BSM: You bet. In today’s world many children and teens live in single parent homes. We hear a lot about how children are affected. We tend to think that teens are older and can deal with grown-up situations. The teen years, though, are hard, and teens face many challenges in their lives, one of them being torn between a mother and a father they love, but sometimes have to choose between. Rebel faces such a dilemma.

PBW: Do you plan your stories first with an outline or does it come to you as write it?

BSM: I seldom outline, but like to let the story flow naturally. The way the characters act, the things they say and do sometimes surprise me. If I get stuck in a story, I might type possible scenes of what could happen in the next chapters, but no strict outline.

PBW: Do you know the end of the story at the beginning?

BSM: I generally have a rough idea of how I want the story to end, but my characters often take me in a different direction. I’m very flexible.

PBW: Do you have a process for developing your characters?

BSM: I usually fill out profile sheets for them, basic stuff at first: hair color, eyes, age, etc. Then as I write I get to know my characters better and add more detailed information, like things they like, things they hate, their family life, their goals, etc. For my latest work-in-progress, I’m letting the characters write in journals to tell me their thoughts and what’s going on in their lives. I found this idea on a message board and really like it.

PBW: It is said that authors write themselves into their characters. Is there any part of you in your characters and what they would be?

BSM: Consciously, I don’t pattern my characters after me, but in looking at some of them, I’d have to say they might be a little like me. If my main character is shy, that’s me, and I try to make her brave and outgoing the way I wish I had been. My latest heroine, Rebel, is me in that she loves animals, which I do.

PBW: What is your most favorite part about this book?

BSM: One of my favorite parts (I have many) is the scene where Rebel is visiting her mother and new boyfriend and what Rebel discovers while she’s there. I’m not telling what because you have to read the story to find out.

PBW: When in the process of writing your book did you begin to look for a publisher?

BSM: When the book was complete.

PBW: What struggles have you had on the road to being published?

BSM: It’s been a long and discouraging road, as it is for many writers. I started my career by writing magazine articles for children and a few of them were published. My book manuscripts were rejected, over and over and over. The big New York publishers were not interested. I was encouraged, however, when a couple of my stories received nice letters and the editors asked for revisions and then a second look. After months of rewriting and resubmitting, each of them was returned. I just was not querying the right publishers, I decided. It took awhile, but I finally found the perfect home for my first young-adult novel, Twilight Times Books. Lida has published two of my books, with two more under contract. Also, and this is cool, the chapter book I’ve revised for several different editors now has a home. It will be published in 2010.

PBW: What has been the best part about being published?

BSM: For me, I think having a reader tell me how much she liked the book and when is the next book coming out, and I should write a sequel made all the years of frustration and hard work worthwhile. (I haven’t written a sequel, but may someday.)

PBW: What do you want readers to remember and carry with them after reading your novel?

BSM: I think I’d like for readers to remember that for every situation in our life we have choices. Like Rebel says “What was that serenity prayer? Something about accepting the things you cannot change….”

PBW: Do you have plans to write another book?

BSM: Oh, yes. In fact I’ve just finished a young-adult contemporary that I’m shopping to agents. I’m also working on another young-adult contemporary and a middle-grade ghost story.

PBW: Would you care to share with us how the virtual book tour experience with Pump Up Your Book Promotion has been for you?

BSM: It has been fantastic. Cheryl has lined up some awesome blog visits. The interviews have been great. And I hope my guest posts have given readers a small glance into why and how I write. I don’t consider my books just for teens, but for everyone from 12 to 100 that likes to read.

PBW: Where can readers find a copy of your book?

BSM: Amazon.com and Twilight Times Books

PBW: Do you have a website for readers to go to?

BSM: Yes. Please visit me at http://beverlystowemcclure.wordpress.com
And Rebel has a blog: http://rebelinbluejeans.wordpress.com

Thank you, Beverly for sharing your book and characters with us today. It has been a pleasure and I hope you have had a successful virtual book tour.

My pleasure. Rebel and I have enjoyed every moment of chatting with you, and we’re always glad to answer your questions.

The Rebel In Blue Jeans Virtual Book Tour ’09 officially began on January 5 and will end on January 30. You can visit Beverly’s blog stops at http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com in January to find out more about this talented author!

Messiah Interviews: Belonging to God – Author Interview – Jerry Pollock

messiah-interviews-cover-art1Paperback Writer welcomes the New Year with our special guest Jerry Pollock, author of the spiritual/religious novel, Messiah Interviews: Belonging to God (Shechinah Third Temple, Inc., Jan 09). Jerry is promoting his book by way of a virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion and they are offering a way to WIN PRIZES!!!!
As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors’ blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available.

Ever since the Creation of Adam and Eve, man has grappled with knowing whether life exists after death. Because humans achieve the possible, while God accomplishes the impossible, only the Creator knows our fate and destiny at the End of Days. Scientist Jerry Pollock weaves his MESSIAH INTERVIEWS story of an imperfect life on Earth with an imaginative account of being interviewed in Heaven to be the Messiah. The writing becomes a testament to Divine morality, and to finding truth and sincerity in one’s heart.

As readers embark on a journey of knowledge and understanding, they’ll join Jerry on an exploration of the implications of biblical history on our modern world. Through a series of unexplainable events, Jerry empowers readers to decide if an additional personal spiritual effort is worth making in this life, in order to possibly gain entrance to an uncertain futuristic Garden of Eden, the Messianic Age. In a process of the dreamlike interviews with biblical personalities―the angel Gabriel, Methuselah, Chanoch, Seth, King David, Moses, Jacob, Abraham and the prophet Isaiah―Jerry is forced to bear his soul and his own hidden demons.

As human beings, we are all flawed. That’s how the Creator made us. During the course of reading the book, readers have the opportunity to ponder the improvement of their own imperfections, in order to meet the requirements set out in the Messiah Interviews for admission into a future blissful life at the End of Days. The book is God-centered and discusses, briefly or at length, various topics, including The Ten Commandments, Creation, Evolution, Good and Evil, Primal Therapy, Bipolar Disorder, Resurrection, Aging, Twelve Tribes of Israel, Monotheistic Religions, Third Temple, Messiah, and the Messianic Age.

The Archangel Michael is speaking in Heaven:

“We have deliberately chosen a sinner: you, Yoseph, who has knowingly cheated in science. Yet, you have publicly repented and confessed your sins to your Stony Brook University administration; and sent letters of apology to the former institutions that you attended. Moreover, you have expressed your heartfelt remorse and your sincere regrets for all of your sinful actions in your published book, Divinely Inspired: Spiritual Awakening of a Soul, for all to see. We have intentionally chosen someone who has suffered horrifically, yet has the potential through his suffering to look inside and understand human nature. We also have especially not chosen a tzaddik, the wisest, most righteous, and perfect of men. We are testing the potential of a simple imperfect man. If you succeed in answering our questions, you will become King Messiah, and return to earth to take your place at the End of Days. If our assessment of you is that you are not the person, we had in mind, then we will have failed once again in finding the true Messiah.”

Hi Jerry,

Welcome to Paperback Writer

Will you share with us how you came up with the idea for this book?

Thank you for your welcome. I am happy to talk about the Messiah Interviews. This answer is going to be a long one, so brace yourself.

I think that I need to provide you with some background before I can answer your question. You might say that the idea to write the book dates back to 1982. I am going to include The Voice chapter (it’s relatively short) to kick off my answer. I wrote the following words in my first Title, Divinely Inspired: Spiritual Awakening of a Soul which was published in 2003 and will come out as a paperback second edition on January 1, 2009. Because, I talk about additional Divine experiences in Messiah Interviews, I include this Voice happening in the Messiah Interviews, due out also on January 1, 2009).

“By the late fall of 1982, I had divorced Rhea, been promoted to full professor at Stony Brook University, and was planning to marry Marcia on Christmas Eve of the following year. My life focused around Marcia, our five children, scientific research, and Primal Therapy. I was heavy into my feelings, now that the therapy was so much a part of me. For the previous year, I had recorded all of my feelings, and by the fall of 1982, I had filled up seven research laboratory notebooks with my handwriting, each book consisting of three hundred pages. There was a lot of repetition and I seemed to have reached a plateau in terms of making further progress. In an unusual display of frustration, I brought the seven notebooks to the edge of my Poquott loft and proceeded to throw all of them in one thrust onto the floor below. I felt like Moses smashing the first set of Tablets on which the Ten Commandments were inscribed. Moses had become enraged when he came down Mount Sinai and discovered that the Israelites had built the Golden Calf. The sounds of the books crashing were subdued by a loud and strong male voice that was definitely external.

I heard the words very clearly, ‘And you shall be Mine.’ I remember being both startled and afraid, because I neither knew whose voice this was nor could I figure out how the voice got into my cottage. There was no bipolar disorder or manic depression back then, so I couldn’t blame the voice on the illness. It was about two weeks later when I heard the voice again. This time the words were slightly different: ‘And you shall have.’ Could this be the true voice of God, I thought. However, I didn’t dare tell anyone what had happened, not even Marcia, until ten years later. I simply ignored these mysterious events and went on with my life, but the words of the voice never left me. Why did this happen? I had no explanation. I kept the books, recording my Primal feelings, for many additional years before dumping them in the garbage along with my three Primal Therapy textbooks. I was to discover twenty years later that I would need these books again.”

In late 1998 and early 1999, as well as scattered visualizations for several years subsequently, I was blessed with incredible Divine experiences that prompted me to write Divinely Inspired in 2003. The Voice that I heard twice in 1982, I heard a third time in January of 1999. I won’t give you the details and spoil your fun but the Voice said, ‘This is not of me.’ For some of the other spiritual experiences I did not understand in 2003, I bring you new interpretations in 2009 in the Messiah Interviews. Divinely Inspired is like a prequel for the Messiah Interviews and I would recommend reading Messiah Interviews first. During womb regression in 2007, I was blown away when I experienced surviving my own abortion. I was saved by Divine intervention which you can read about in the Messiah Interviews.

Although Divinely Inspired, a spiritual memoir, was prompted by these spiritual experiences, Messiah Interviews was not. Once I had those experiences in late 1998 and early 1999 in both Long Island, NY and in South Florida, I began my spiritual journey. I have been crawling up the spiritual ladder and as my knowledge and creativity has grown and developed, I saw a need to write the Messiah Interviews. The book allowed me to bring the Bible to life and to relate it to our modern world and the future world of the Messianic Age. I did not want to use the Messiah Interviews as a platform to preach. Rather, I wanted to empower the reader to improve his character in this life in order to be admitted into a second Garden of Eden, the Messianic Age. I wanted the reader right there with me answering the same question as Yoseph, the main character being interviewed to be the Messiah.

I am a Professor. I am never short on words. My apologies to the reader and to Paperback Writer.

Do you plan your stories first with an outline or does it come to you as write it?

It comes to me as I write it. I never thought of it this way, but that’s exactly what happens. My mind is turning as I write and I’m connecting and interrelating. My first draft is very close to my final draft. In my former life, I was a research scientist and I had to write research grants and scientific publications. Sometimes, I would jot things down and then bring the pieces together. I kind of did this with the Messiah Interviews as I had about ten years of spiritual research to condense and draw from. But I have no outline. I am very much a mental person though after 25 years of Primal Therapy, I am very much a feeling person.

Do you know the end of the story at the beginning?

Not at all. My mind is continually turning and the writing comes naturally.

Do you have a process for developing your characters?

Yes, I did in the Messiah Interviews. The two main characters, Yoseph and Yinnon, are based upon my life and the biblical interviewers, like Moses and King David, are portrayed the way I interpret them upon my readings of the Bible. Sometimes, I surprise myself about what I write about them. It’s a mixed bag, but I hope that the reader gets a pretty good idea about the characters in the dialogue exchange of the Messiah Interviews. The book by the way would be well suited as a theatrical play.

It is said that authors write themselves into their characters. Is there any part of you in your characters and what they would be?

Absolutely true. I think that this makes many books interesting. All of me is in the main characters and I would like to think that some of me is even in the biblical interviewers. For example, when Moses interviews the main character Yoseph, his topic is mainly the Ten Commandments. In the book, there is a Time Line Therapy where Yoseph regresses to a past life and becomes Moses carrying the Tablets of the Ten Commandments down Mount Sinai. I struggle with following the Ten Commandments, but inch by inch I crawl up the spiritual ladder. It’s interesting that man thinks he doesn’t have to follow the Ten Commandments. However, man cannot nullify what God has commanded him to do. He can at his own risk choose not to follow these commandments, but be aware that we are all accountable to God.
What is your most favorite part about this book?

In the first quarter of the book, I write about the past and the present. My favorite though is the rest of the book when the Interviews to be the Messiah actually take place. Yoseph is interviewed by the angel Gabriel, the seven shepherds – Methuselah, Chanoch, Seth, King David, Moses, Jacob, and Abraham- with the final interview going to the Prophet Isaiah. All interviewers are actually real characters of the Bible. The plot of course is fictional. It is thought that the seven shepherds or the seven princes will assist the Messiah at the End of Days. The first eight interviews take place in the Third Temple in Heaven while the last interview takes place in the future Third Temple on earth to be built at the End of Days. Our past, present and future will come to a screeching halt at the End of Days and then a second Garden of Eden life begins again in the Messianic Age with a Christian (Jesus) or Jewish Messiah.

When in the process of writing your book did you begin to look for a publisher?

On this book, I decided from the start that our nonprofit organization, Shechinah Third Temple, Inc. should be the publisher. In my first title, Divinely Inspired, I unsuccessfully sought out a publisher but wound up self-publishing for lack of interest in Divinely Inspired, a spiritual memoir. My own personal belief is that an author can do everything he needs to market his book without a publisher except get himself into the Chain Bookstores. For that you need a publisher or distributor. I won’t kid you. It’s expensive and time consuming to do it yourself, but you do maintain control of your book.

What struggles have you had on the road to being published?

None, now that I go through our own publishing company.

What has been the best part about being published?

Well, it’s not the money because you lose big time unless you are a best selling author, which I am not. You have to do things in life that are for your personal satisfaction. We all need praise and recognition to varying degrees. In my case, I’m able to be proud of my accomplishments and also feel that I have given back to the Creator for his Divine Intervention in my life. I am lucky to be here and wouldn’t be without God’s Divine Providence. As time progresses, I am more and more on a spiritual high.

What do you want readers to remember and carry with them after reading your novel?

Several things related to improving your moral character. Human morality is different than Divine morality. God values truth in your heart most of all. God can see into your heart and into the crevices of your mind and He is the keeper of the scorecard. If you want to enter the second Garden of Eden in the End Times, then you are accountable to God. We all know the difference between right and wrong. It’s choosing right over wrong that is the problem. The subtitle of the Messiah Interviews is Belonging to God. Belonging to God means being a Holy person. What do I mean by Holy? It’s in the Messiah Interviews, but it means to follow the Ten Commandments, don’t hurt anyone physically, emotionally or intellectually, show kindness and mercy, act with humility, stand up for justice, strive for righteousness, do kind deeds for others, honor your ancestors who went before you, and give your praise to the One God. God has always had Covenants between Himself and man since the Creation of Adam and Eve. God has held up His end of the bargain but man has broken the Covenant many times over. It is up to man to restore the Covenant.

Do you have plans to write another book?

Not right now. I’m too busy with the marketing of the two titles. One should read the Messiah Interviews first and then the prequel, my spiritual memoir, Divinely Inspired. I would like to write another book to complete the trilogy. I’ll need God’s help to do it because it would be his biography dictated to me. I can dream.

Would you care to share with us how the virtual book tour experience with Pump Up Your Book Promotion has been for you?

Well I haven’t done the whole tour but I love answering questions. It gives me a chance to explore my creativity. Sometimes, I’ll give the same answers to the same question, but for the most part I try and come up with unique answers. One thing you will get with me is honesty and truth. With the publishing of Divinely Inspired, my life is an open book. Some of it is pretty ugly and pretty scary. Publicly discussing my imperfections is gut wrenching and talking about my suicide attempts still sends chills down my back. Couple that with abortion survival, neurosis in a dysfunctional family, migraine headaches, unyielding anxiety, muscle pain, adult Bipolar Disorder and Divine miracles and you’ve got one hell of a story published.
The Messiah Interviews is more about the future while Divinely Inspired focuses on the past and present. The bible comes alive in the Messiah Interviews and the reader is empowered right alongside Yoseph to answer the questions being posed by the biblical interviewers. I wanted also to give the reader knowledge that he or she might not have about Jewish spirituality, which I feel is the Ten Commandments. The religion of Judaism incorporates these Ten Commandments but in my humble opinion, the Ten Commandments are not religious.

Where can readers find a copy of your book?

Well eBooks for both titles are already published as Kindle, Mobipocket, Adobe Digital Editions and Microsoft. The paperbacks come out officially on January 1, 2009, but you can already purchase these on Amazon, Barnes and Noble.com, the Authors Bookshop, the Authors Den, and also the paperbacks can be ordered at any bookstore. We will have an audio book of the Messiah Interviews by the end of January. You can find links on our website and blog. There is also an interview with Reader Views on the Blog as well as a Radio Show with Inside Scoop Live. You will have to forgive me. I’m 67 and am just now learning how to Blog. If readers have trouble in this economy purchasing the books, please email me at jerrypollock@bellsouth.net and we shall work something out. I can send signed books.

Do you have a website for readers to go to?

Yes. You can enter either through http://www.shechinahthirdtemple.org or http://www.thirdtempleinfo.com Shechinah means Divine Presence. We are a nonprofit committed to the brotherhood of man through God’s Third Temple. As the prophet Isaiah said, “My Temple shall be a House of Prayer for all peoples.”

Thank you, Jerry for sharing your book and characters with us today. It has been a pleasure and I hope you have had a successful virtual book tour.

And thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity to have a dialogue. I feel that I am reliving the writing of the Messiah Interviews all over again with your questions. Be well and take care.

The MESSIAH INTERVIEWS VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR ’09 officially begin on January 5 and end on January 30. You can visit Jerry’s blog stops at http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com/ in January to find out more about this great book and talented author!

Murder on The Down Low – Author Interview – Pamela Samuels Young

murder-on-the-down-lowJoin Pamela Samuels Young, author of the mystery novel, Murder on the Down Low (Goldman House Publishing, September ’08), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in November on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion!


Win Prizes!

As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors’ blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available. The winner(s) will be announced on December 31!

About the book:

A brazen killer is targeting some of L.A.’s most prominent citizens. The victims are all quintessential family men. Well-educated. Attractive. Successful. But appearances can be deceiving. When the baffling murders are linked to a high-profile lawsuit, a tenacious female detective soon exposes a scandalous tale of lust, lies and vengeance.

About the author:

Pamela Samuels Young is a practicing attorney and author of legal thrillers, “Murder on the Down Low”, and the Essence bestsellers, “Every Reasonable Doubt” and “In Firm Pursuit”. A desire to see female attorneys and African-American attorneys as main characters in today’s legal fiction prompted her to begin writing despite a busy legal career. Pamela is on the Board of Directors of the Southern California chapter of Mystery Writers of America and is a graduate of the University of Southern California, Northwestern University, and the University of California Berkeley’s Boalt Hall School of Law. A former journalist, Pamela is a legal columnist for Global Woman magazine and served as legal consultant to the Showtime television series, Soul Food.

Pamela is married and lives in the Los Angeles area. She is a frequent speaker on the topics of writing and self-empowerment and loves visiting book club meetings.

Visit Pamela’s website at www.pamelasamuelsyoung.com 

Will you share with us how you came up with the idea for Murder on the Down Low?


Unlike with my other novels, I have a crystal clear recollection of exactly when and where the idea originated for Murder on the Down Low originated.  I was home sick with the flu, lying on the couch watching Oprah.  The guest was J.L. King, author of On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of Straight Men Who Sleep with Men.  As I listened to King discuss this secret world of men on the down low—guys who have sex with other men but insist that they’re not gay —I was completely stunned. 


My emotions went from shock to anger to fear.   These guys were married for Christ’s sake!  The next day, while driving to work, the premise for Murder on the Down Low popped into my head:   What if a string of rich, successful married men were being gunned down on the streets of L.A. and no one knew why?  And what if they all shared a dirty little secret?  In a matter of weeks, I had the book completely outlined and got to work writing.


Do you plan your stories first with an outline or does it come to you as write it?

I’m a serious outliner.  I begin with a story premise.  I will then spend anywhere from a few weeks to as long as three months outlining a book before I sit down to write.  I also mull over my story quite a bit.  I’m thinking about it in the shower, while I’m standing in line at the grocery store, during my 45-minute commute to work.  I can almost see each chapter as if it were a scene in a movie.  Only after I have a completed outline do I start writing.  And when I write, I go from page one to the last page without doing much editing.  For me, it’s psychologically motivating to complete that first draft, even if it’s so bad I’d never dare show it to anyone.  Once I have a first draft, then the real writing starts.  I revise, and revise and revise some more.  That process can last six months or more.   


Do you know the end of the story at the beginning?

Absolutely.  Though if a better ending comes along, I’ll go with the flow.


Do you have a process for developing your characters?

I’m fortunate that engaging characters just come to me.  I don’t write out character sketches or anything like that.  When I have an idea for a character, it’s as if I know who they are immediately. 


It is said that authors write themselves into their characters. Is there any part of you in your characters and what they would be?

Though I don’t like to admit it, I guess there’s a lot of my main character, Vernetta Henderson, in me.  She’s smart, hard-working, loves her husband and tries to be superwoman, which can sometimes get her into trouble.


What is your most favorite part of this book?

My favorite part of Murder on the Down Low is the strong bond of friendship between the female characters. 


When in the process of writing your book did you begin to look for a publisher?

I waited until after I finished my first book, Every Reasonable Doubt,  to being looking for an agent.  I felt I’d have a better chance of success with a completed product.  I know lots of people who are writing a book.  I know only a few who have actually finished a book.


What struggles have you had on the road to being published?

Just the general struggle of trying to get that elusive book deal.  “Making it” in the publishing world is based in large part on luck and timing.  But in the beginning, I should have spent more time mastering the writing craft.  Only after I began to study writing and story structure, did I learn how to write a novel that keeps readers engaged. When I receive an email from a reader who calls my books “page turners,” I feel great.  It’s a confirmation that all of my hard work was worth it.


What has been the best part about being published?

How great I’m treated by my fans!  At last count, I’ve attended close to 75 book clubs meetings.  I love doing them because these incredible women feed me, praise my books and practically adopt me.  Whenever I leave a book club meeting, I’m always so energized by the camaraderie and encouragement.


What do you want readers to remember and carry with them after reading Murder on the Down Low?

That life is a precious give and that we must take responsibility for our own lives.


Do you have plans to write another book?

My fourth legal thriller, Buying Time, should be ready to send off to my agent in early 2009.  It’s the tale of a recently disbarred lawyer who unwittingly finds himself embroiled in a murder scheme in which his clients are the victims.


Would you care to share with us how the virtual book tour experience with Pump Up Your Book Promotion has been for you?

It’s been great.  I reaching thousands of readers without ever leaving the house.  I receive Google Alerts every time my name is posted on a website.  I feel like I’m touring all over the world.


Where can readers find a copy of your book?

In bookstores, the internet and anyplace else books are sold.


Do you have a website for readers to go to?

You can find out more about me and read an excerpt of my novels at www.pamelasamuelsyoung.com.


Pamela Samuels Young is a practicing attorney and author of the legal thrillers, Murder on the Down Low, Every Reasonable Doubt and In Firm Pursuit.  You can find Pamela’s articles on writing at BizyMoms.com, where she is a featured fiction writing expert.  Visit Pamela’s website at www.pamelasamuelsyoung.com.


MURDER ON THE DOWN LOW VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR ’08 officially began on December 1 and end on December 23. You can visit Pamela’s blog stops at http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com/ in December to find out more about his latest book!